Mr. Van


Anyone who’s waited tables knows the recipe:

Ooooo, a fancy Volare.

I got my Golden as an older dog. I was told his previous owner kept him in a garage and neighborhood kids would lift the door a little and throw fireworks under it. We think he got PTSD from it.

I wonder how much more successful the project would have been if they put snow tires on it?

Have a fag and chill.

Why don’t you tenderize the meat like a human? Put it in a gallon ziploc and pound it flat with the rolling pin!

You mean get rid of the only one with a decent salad bar? Way to sellout to full service salad.

Hell yeah, NP! What you have here is a Mustang Wagon. 5.0 drivetrain, new carpet - boom.

It’s an attractive car, in the way that old Jennifer Gray was very attractive before the rhinoplasty. (But there is no denying, there’s a large front nose)

The VIN might be worth a couple of bucks to somebody who ha a Supra “that fell off the back of a truck”.

Better looking than anything David Tracy dragged home for $2,500.

Chest hair plugs starter pack

If you get stuck or are unsure, I’ve found that somebody (or two or three) have already done what you want to do and have made a video on Utube.

Rioters who are surrounding cars and trying to yank the occupants into the street are causing drivers to fear for their safety, causing them to floor their vehicles to escape the mob.

One day, these “parents” will be old and their children may remember that they gave away their brother because he was difficult to handle. The children may deem their parents difficult to handle due to their old age special needs, and ditch them as well.

The house that gave out Necco wafers for Halloween last year is the house that gets egged on Cabbage Night.

Moped 2.0

My parents favorite line with my brother, “You don’t have to eat it. Next meal is breakfast.”