What will it cost to put a new set of tires on it?
What will it cost to put a new set of tires on it?
Will I need to get a new Corvette jacket, or will the C8 go with my old black and gold old one?
Endless feedback loop that destroy both the bugs and the butter.
What if they fed the bugs real butter?
The custodian in my grade school had a white & blue BRAT “Yama Yagi” that had goat stickers on it. We kids thought it was cool.
NEVER use a blacklight in a hotel room. Unless you don’t want to sleep, then go ahead or add to it.
This is a double-plus-good take.
How do you tessellate 3 half slices of cheese?
The people on it don’t.
If you owned this, you would keep it on a boatlift behind your mansion and have other people clean it for you.
Found this out looking at cars sold by rental companies. All said “no accidents” but clearly had been repaired (and sometimes, not very well).
That switch is evil and the Fischer-Price graphics on the GPS shouldn’t be a thing in that price-point.
That one looks nice.
Dat ass tho.
“Never washed under hood”, 3 pics of the subwoofer, 2 pics of the amp/switch, 0 pics of the odometer = CP.
The last time I ate Pizza Hut I had a P’Zone that gave me the P’Shitz.
Anybody who buys an economy ticket supports being treated like shit by the airlines.
Been hit in the rear. CP.
The Versa is a tacky gimmick. It’s a golf cart with AC.
How much will the ass end squat when you put, like, stuff in it?