The special twist: this story ends with two new characters Cease and Desist.
The special twist: this story ends with two new characters Cease and Desist.
The sweet irony that this tournament is being played on an XBOX.
He's ready to make a switch.
This edit is what made me aware of the term Wombo Combo. (video should start at 2:20)
Everybody has forgotten Titanfall.
I'm not.
He literally uses a high-pitch to say his own name. I never said his normal voice is high-pitched.
This is pretty much why i refrained from name calling or questioning his worth and talent. He seems like a decent guy, but I'm just not the intended audience.
I heard his high pitched voice once and just stayed far away. For all I know he could be great; never really gave him a chance. But I'm pretty confident I'm not missing out.
Find a way to put this sound after it and I would get a ps4 TONIGHT!
Halo: Reach DLC for free? Please?
That was good... I needed that. Thank you!
Okay good to know. If a developer makes a next gen 3d game and says he/she is making it with "Gameboy in mind" it will be from there on known as a Gameboy game, despite irrefutable evidence proving that it can't be played on one. Good to know.
The King finally gets his crown.
The question for me is, will Pietro and Wanda be "Inhuman?"
Luther is such a great show!
The thing is, I really enjoyed 5 for what it was. 6 I loathe and revelations was excellent. But I kind-of agree with your statement. Though I got a lot more fun out of 5 for some reason.
It's a horrible thing to say your game is not full 1080p these days. Just look at the hell the XBOX One gets for its 900p ports. I don't agree at all with that train of thought.
Semantics. I highly doubt the majority will even notice. Plus, this is only for the Halo 2: CE campaign, not the entire game. I'll say it again, semantics.