Mr Uppercut

It's a horrible thing to say your game is not full 1080p these days. Just look at the hell the XBOX One gets for its 900p ports. I don't agree at all with that train of thought.

Semantics. I highly doubt the majority will even notice. Plus, this is only for the Halo 2: CE campaign, not the entire game. I'll say it again, semantics.

It is semantics because you are getting 1080 horizontal progressive formatted pixels.

I have to disagree with the AI there has been a lot worse. I also don't see how Evil Within plays like RE6 at all. The two are very different games in terms of gameplay & setting.

1328x1080 .... Semantics.

Remember the crap this game got when it was realized that it wasn't rendered in "true HD?"

Do you think Evil Within is as bad as RE6?

But Mikami's greatest hits are pretty great. Though I understand what you're saying. The bar wasn't raised with this game; but it didn't lower it either.

This guy gets it!

People who call this a shooter have clearly not played the game nor read Evans review. You HAVE to pick your shots in order to survive in this game.

I love the internet.

Hopefully it includes multiplayer this time. It was a fun game and worth the $5 price tag.

Don't blame the victim.

They'll probably do one for each season and then a "Ultra" edition that includes them all when its all said and done.

Ken Lobb a designer on the original, was a supervisor on the new KI (and the voice of Thunder.) So there goes one of your arguments already.

WWF Smackdown 1 & 2 were great though.

I always hated Acclaims wrestling games. So god damned stiff!

I'll never forget the "rumor" of Sonic being in Melee. Good lord, my friends spent months trying to figure that one out.