Mr Uppercut

That came out last year, didn't it?

I don't have the number of my favorite episodes but one that stands out is Vegeta's fight with Frieza. "Bitch, you just jealous of my Super Sayian swagger!" priceless.

If at first glance the logo is hard to read then you need to go back to the drawing board.

Will the be a "Our 25 Most Popular Comment Thread's of the Year" post?

Only have the flashlight & ps+. The only other things I see myself getting anytime soon is Chromecast & GTA V.

Only have the flashlight & ps+. The only other things I see myself getting anytime soon is Chromecast & GTA V.

I'll give you Heavenly Sword. But, DmC & Enslaved were way above average.

Agreed. But this also was a good game.

Though I don't care much for Francis' channel, I respect him more than a lot of the other because he makes an effort to make his own original content. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn't change the fact. It's hard to feel bad for someone for who can't make anymore money off of a review of a game other people made. If

Time to make some original content!

Direct me to all these games set in New England, please.

Games are held to different standard. Is it fair? I don't know, but they are.

I don't think your first question (statement) rings true. There are TONS of people who wait for sales (such as Steam's holiday sales) because they believe the lower price justifies the experience or lack thereof. But I do agree with you in that quality does matter too. It should matter more, really. I enjoyed my brief

I'll never understand how people were so okay with wasting $20 on a 3 hour game. I felt shafted when I bought it for $10.

The ending of Crisis Core got the waterworks going for me

Tilt the cartridge while playing.

So if you were able to find results of its use on Google, then how was I making it up?

I've heard BroShep as well.

Fair enough. Thank you.

Wasn't the Male Shepard always referred to maleshep, on the internet? Or am I just making that up?