There was a version with 2 pressure sensitive buttons. But it really is 6 buttons.
There was a version with 2 pressure sensitive buttons. But it really is 6 buttons.
He's better suited for Daredevil, in my opinion. They are both redheads.
I just flashed Cyanogenmod. Didn't really want to tinker with my phone at the moment, but what the hell?
Rooted my S3 and now my wifi doesn't work and I don't know how to fix it. Wonderful.
Even if they come out with a $400 Kinect-free model, some people will still find a way to complain.
This is probably the biggest blow to iD. I know John is staying there (most likely at a smaller capacity) but this just doesn't look good for a studio who is having trouble releasing their next game.
The Magikarp one has been floating around the internet for years. I wonder if they are all from the same author.
Is anybody else aware that the XBOX version of SC2 runs at 720P?
If they remake it MGS1 it would have to be in vein of the gameplay of MGS4 (or 5) because Twin Snakes was a great remake. No need for another one like that.
I hope this isn't a sign of things to come for id. I get the feeling if id, were to collapse, John Carmack would just ride off into the sunset and retire.
Oh I agree. I didn't actively bitch about it, but season 5 was terrible. Every game covered in season 5 had a sequel coming out around the same time, which is suspicious to say the least.
Reminds me of what happened with Machinima's All Your History... series.
This game will probably be Ps3's swan song. Much like God of War 2 was for ps2.
$500 is too much for me. I'll pass... for now.
I was debating between the three consoles.
I guess you can say, XBOX... "won"
That's right EA, save face.