Just because I don't like it doesn't mean the next person can't think its wonderful. I try to refrain from blanket statements especially with games that a majority of people (or even a few) love.
Just because I don't like it doesn't mean the next person can't think its wonderful. I try to refrain from blanket statements especially with games that a majority of people (or even a few) love.
If that were done, I wonder how the mission structure would be like. "Taxis" would be vital as well.
Funny you say that, I absolutely adore Half Life 2.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.
The whole "would you kindly" ordeal has already been spoiled for me many times over. Its another reason why I'm not very eager to go back to it.
I guess developers are starting to realize you can't just copy & paste another games winning formula and expect it to work for you.
Tried it later down the road. I know this had an effect on how I viewed the game.
It kind of reminds me of Crush for some reason. This game looks promising.
I completely forgot about Dead or Alive 5. That game is not exactly lighting the fighting game community on fire.
Bioshock 2 was done by 2k Marin and not Irrational.
Rapture did not grab me at all. Part of the problem was that I first played it long after its release so some of the visuals that were considered amazing were just "meh" to me.
Yeah I refrain from saying stuff like that. Especially in this case because I didn't finish the game.
I ultimately think that was my problem. I approached it like a standard FPS. Maybe I'll go back to it one of these days and try it again (I didn't beat it).
Cool name but after the flops that were Ninja Gaiden 3 (and its WiiU Expansion) & Metroid: Other M, I can see why Tecmo Koei would want to disassociate with the name. That and the fact the star developer Tomonobu Itagaki, has been gone for a while.
Im in the minority that didn't like the original Bioshock. I don't hate it, its just not for me.
I wonder if some slots on the letterboxes were moved down an inch, would it mess mess with her?
Quite happy with the redesign but if I may ask, where does the name "kinja" come from?
Aw, I missed out on a few of these. Better luck tomorrow.
Anytime Sega has an announcement you better believe people will say its Shenmue 3.