Mr Uppercut

Just because I don't like it doesn't mean the next person can't think its wonderful. I try to refrain from blanket statements especially with games that a majority of people (or even a few) love.

If that were done, I wonder how the mission structure would be like. "Taxis" would be vital as well.

Funny you say that, I absolutely adore Half Life 2.

Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.

The whole "would you kindly" ordeal has already been spoiled for me many times over. Its another reason why I'm not very eager to go back to it.

I guess developers are starting to realize you can't just copy & paste another games winning formula and expect it to work for you.

Flipino Champ (EVO Champion) was handing out free ass whippings here on Friday.

Tried it later down the road. I know this had an effect on how I viewed the game.

It kind of reminds me of Crush for some reason. This game looks promising.

I completely forgot about Dead or Alive 5. That game is not exactly lighting the fighting game community on fire.

Bioshock 2 was done by 2k Marin and not Irrational.

Rapture did not grab me at all. Part of the problem was that I first played it long after its release so some of the visuals that were considered amazing were just "meh" to me.

Yeah I refrain from saying stuff like that. Especially in this case because I didn't finish the game.

I ultimately think that was my problem. I approached it like a standard FPS. Maybe I'll go back to it one of these days and try it again (I didn't beat it).

Cool name but after the flops that were Ninja Gaiden 3 (and its WiiU Expansion) & Metroid: Other M, I can see why Tecmo Koei would want to disassociate with the name. That and the fact the star developer Tomonobu Itagaki, has been gone for a while.

Im in the minority that didn't like the original Bioshock. I don't hate it, its just not for me.

I wonder if some slots on the letterboxes were moved down an inch, would it mess mess with her?

Quite happy with the redesign but if I may ask, where does the name "kinja" come from?

Aw, I missed out on a few of these. Better luck tomorrow.

Anytime Sega has an announcement you better believe people will say its Shenmue 3.