Mr Uppercut

I have to agree with you. While I thought Mass Effect 3, was one of top games last year, I haven't been compelled to play the DLC. Like whats the point? It doesn't change the ending in the slightest.

Not the first time. If you die or replay the level you can.

I suggest renting it then. He isn't as insufferable as people on the internet made him to be. Yeah he is smug, but it doesn't wear on you. Also, he doesn't swear nearly as half as much as people like to say.

Man, No Mercy might be the best of the 64 wrestling games but, WCW/ NWO Revenge was the one I played the most. I absolutely adore that game & its soundtrack.


Me too. All in all, it wasn't a bad game, its just one that needs a fresh development team. Yukes has done all that it could with the IP.

I would love nothing more than for AKI to come back to wrestling. But I remember reading that they are done with the genre.

That's Mike Tyson, punching Chris Jericho.

I hope they don't keep Yukes, as the developer. This franchise needs a new company to take the helm.

Yes, a marathon & Resident Evil 6, the same exact thing!

Finished Chris & Jake. Gave up 2 chapters into Leon's campaign.

I agree, RE6 wasn't good but it wasn't horrible either. I think it just comes down to the fact that different studios handled each game.

This should make up for the utter disappointment that Resident Evil 6 is.

I love the idea. Its one I'm willing to support. My one gripe is that modern lighting takes away from the 90's aesthetic. I get what he is trying to do though, so its not a deal breaker.

Now playing

I lost purposely many times in Sega Rally Championship.

God this comment is hilarious.

My exact reaction.

So then do what most demos should and cut out the cut-scenes and just give us some game play.

You mad bro?