Mr Uppercut

This game comes out May 15th. I can feel it.

Just upgraded from the original Samsung Galaxy to the S3. I'm love and have probably used my phone more in the past two days than I had the past month.

EA Football.... and golf, and soccer, and boxing, and MMA. Or maybe they should just stick with EA Sports.

least excited I've been for a main series RE game. But I'm still excited nonetheless and will be impatiently waiting for the UPS guy to come with my copy.

It hasn't been confirmed that Retro is working on Star Fox. Though, rumors seem to suggest that. One thing is for sure, the next Star Fox will be amazing.

Honestly I think it came down to Platinum Games letting Nintendo get Bayonetta 2 in exchange for Hideki Kamiya to work on his dream project, Starfox.

Well when I'm having sex I certainly don't want to think of becoming a family man.

With all the sales that go on nowadays, it really doesn't matter that the price got bumped $10. If you pre order at a certain store, chances are you get some kind of gift certificate. Or if you do the more logical choice and just wait a month or 2 the savings are amazing now.

This will not stay an exclusive for long. I refuse to believe it will. Much like Mass Effect 2 did, this will see other platforms. Too much money to be a lost to just be on the WiiU

This channel died to me a long time ago. Directv hasn't carried it for years.

Well the $20 model worked very well for the 2k series back in 2004-05. Of course, those games were still on discs and not download only. It will be interesting to see if this strategy works out that's for sure. If this game sucks (which looks like it does) will people be all that mad considering they only paid a 3rd

If this flops, is it over for the Live series for good?

It cost me $50 for a year. So actually less than the 360. I still do most of my gaming on the the 360 though.

The trophy looks like it was made by the very kids that were competing for it.

I wholeheartedly agree! But a lot of seen a lot of people (mostly at Bleeding Cool) who hate him. The one bad story I read from him was Ultimatum, and that was horrible.

Just read For All Seasons, last week. I don't understand why so many people hate Jeph Loeb he writes some awesome stuff.

It'll take a lot more than that to make me upset at SEGA. I love that company too much and maybe to a fault.

Ah the Playstation (Saturn) era for Capcom. A lot of memories with Resident Evil & Rival schools are starting to flood my mind.

They did that with NBA Elite......