IDK if your into playing fighting games with Joysticks but the official Saturn joystick will only run you about $20.
IDK if your into playing fighting games with Joysticks but the official Saturn joystick will only run you about $20.
I'll wait for the eventual Christmas sale.
The only people that are truly getting mad at price inflation's are the ones that buy games the day of release. Amazon, New Egg, Best Buy, etc. offer deep discounts on games as soon as a week after release. I stayed patient and got Max Payne 3 for $40 new off of Best Buy only 2 weeks after its release.
With the exception of MvC1 I play these all on a Saturn.
Marvel vs. Capcom 1
How hard is it to work with publishers?
I personally get the head or tails variant. Best of both worlds!
Gears of War & Halo were exclusive to the Xbox and later ported to PC.
EA MMA, lasted only about a year and a half.
61/93 no hints & and a lot of wild guesses.
Ah, gotcha. I missed your point in your last post.
I consider myself a pretty big Devil May Cry fan but I have gotten over Dante's hair color. It irked the hell out of me at first. Ninja Theory has changed the character model since the first reveal, which is a plus. Plus it's not above Capcom to make a classic Dante skin DLC or pre-order bonus.
You played 2 but ignored 4... You should have not started with that. I kind of skipped the rest of the article.
Played this at PAX couple months ago, is there a release date set?
Eventually, booth babes will be a thing of the past. I love checking out women as much as the next guy but when I'm at a con I'm more interested in checking at the new products, getting free stuff, and seeing exclusives.
Wrong John but, suck it down!
I always feel smarter after listening to John.
The game looks a bit ridiculous even for Metal Gear. But, I'm still completely sold on the fact it's Platinum Games developing this. Bayonetta was just to great, I expect no less from Rising.
Microsoft, owns distribution of 1. They could release 2 though.
I hated Heavenly Sword but I really liked Enslaved. I was against this game at first, but with each trailer I like the game more and more. My only gripe is the 30fps.