Mr Uppercut

I can only hope that this game has a costume pack so I can revert back to the actual Dante. I won't talk about the game play because for all i know it could be the best game ever (doubtful though.) I've been a fan of this franchise since its inception so I will support this game but I just hope the have an option for

Will this be based off of the Tekken 6 engine or a new one for the Wii U?

Nintendo should probably pack in a new Mario or Zelda game to ease the pain of the potentially high price tag the Wii U will initially carry.

While MGS: Peace Walker is one of the best looking games on the PSP, It might end up looking like shit in this HD pack judging by the screens. I seriously hop they put a little more effort into that one at least, the others are a ok in my opinion.

Tekken Tag HD just gave my PS3 some meaning. It was the most played game on my PS2 and it's looking like it'll hold that record on the PS3.

Next up Call of Duty: Revelations...

The D-Pad looks looks like a bump up from the standard 360 controller.

I was planning to get a Kinect at the end of the summer. This attachment makes me eager to get one now.

You should have put a patent on that. You had it right on the money.

It would have been great to have but they gotta cut costs somewhere right? I mean with the tablet controller which I'm sure is set the record for the most expensive console controller, they need to cut some corners if they can. It's also not a big loss because chances are if your interested in the Wii U you already

At first they made it seem you can create your own mutant. Clearly that is not the case. I will probably get this game regardless because I have a collection of Marvel video games. I just wish they would make an X-MEN Legends 3 and let Raven Software do it, they know how to handle the Marvel License.

I still play mine. I have that exact same color too.

@Max Payno: Bravo. I like bread night will say Wii-U like that from now on.

People see the Kinect and all they think about is the Wii and its childish view. I have faith in Bioware, I think they can pull this off.

So since she is made of blood I wonder how X-Ray attacks will look against her. Will there be bones, muscle tissue? Or will it just be blood?

The Valkyr Crows were actual the hallucinations that happened when people where under effects of the of the drug in the movie but not in the game. The small details all add up and make it a different movie. Anyways you're getting nasty now so I'm done.

So where is Natasha Sax in the game? Where is Mona Sax's "death" in the movie? Where were all the "valkyr" crows in the game? Since when did BB kill Max's family? C'mon man there is many changes in that movie that make it very different. Who cares what 3d Realms thinks of the movie to begin with, that game was

@Ayepecks: Buddy, have you ever watched Max Payne? Max Payne was not close to its source material in any sense. Watch the movie & play the game because you didn't do one of the two (or neither.)

1 year - Grand Theft Auto 3, VC, SA HD collection

Looks awesome can't wait. Hopefully its not the disappointment that Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 was.