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Sorry you didn’t dig on the trailer. Our older film market trailer may be more to your liking.

Yeah, that’s been the vibe of these reviews going back to the start... a kind of basic rejection of the show’s premise itself and then criticizing the show for committing to it. 

How the hell A Bug’s Life, a middling film when it premiered and has only slightly improved since, got in over Mulan, a film that is still as enjoyable and fun as it was back in 1998, is beyond me. Probably the whole “It’s not feminist enough” BS.

See, I would like to listen to this video. But I can’t scroll past it to keep reading, or it stops.

This analogy went off the rails FAST.  Cooking may be an art, but not when it’s done to sell a product to a customer who will then consume it.  If I order a steak, it’s not going up in a museum for people to marvel at it, it’s going in my mouth.  So it should be made the way I want it made.  If a chef wants to create

Oh, for dog’s sake. If somebody enjoys a well-done steak, just let them enjoy their well done steak. How exactly are they harming you? I swear, steak fanatics are worse than vegans when it comes to food snobbery.

Think long and hard about how much energy you just spent deconstructing a campy sci-fi film series. I fucking hate Star Wars ruined my childhood more than anything Lucas or Disney has committed to film. I don’t want to be associated with you pricks.

So, only people with formal training are allowed to join a professional discussion ?

Just because a man offers a dissenting opinion, or an opinion at all, does not make it ‘mansplaining’,

Oh gee. How surprising. Who could have possibly thought that firing a female developer over a Twitter spat would embolden the ravening hordes. How could we have predicted this. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.


because she was a bitch

I’m just gonna add fuel to the fire....the guy got a snarky comment and snow flake cried over it ...which led to more snowflake crying. Its her personal twitter..she was not opening a discussion just merely stating an insight. If you get enough BS guys coming around telling you how to do your job because your a girl

You’re willfully missing the point. I’m guessing it’s because you like being an ass. You might even enjoy the pictures of crying children. You might be a racist, but probably just a xenophobe. Your argument against immigration is probably some kind of bullshit economic theory you regurgitate wrong at parties to

“The problem is that Snoke is important to properly understand Kylo”

Just rewatched it. There’s a lot of good stuff in that movie. Don’t get the hate.

Hmmmm.............. nah.

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Yeah, they should have filmed something like this.

I don’t grasp all the love for this film, but I’m also biased against romance plots. Happy a genre film won, and that a younger batch of Academy Voters recognize other films. I just wish it hadn’t been H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘Beauty and the Beast of Innsmouth’.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing.