
He makes some good points, but his understanding of the “themes”’ of the show is pretty reductive and simplistic. The idea that we were watching an idealistic story about the redemption of a dark world is just a bizarre reading of the narrative. He’s absolutely right that the writers didn’t provide enough scaffolding

Yep, I tend to agree. I actually am not a fan of the airport fight in CW at all — it’s just a bunch of people wandering around an airport occasionally throwing things at each other. The end fight between Tony, Cap, and Bucky was much more successful, and in general, the smaller-scale fights tend to be what the Russos

Final four ended up being Fury Road, Blade Runner 2049, Her, and Only Lovers Left Alive, with Fury Road and Only Lovers being my top two. Fury Road came out on top. Not that that’s surprising to me — I saw the header image and immediately thought, “Oh, yeah, it’s Fury Road,” and my bracket bore that out haha

In general, I find people who have strong opinions about ultimately harmless activities, like taking pictures of food, to be far more annoying than the people who indulge in said harmless activities. All the try-hards in this thread harping on about something so meaningless and mundane are bizarre to me. Like, does it

My thing has always been that while there are all sorts of “logical” arguments why hot dogs should be sandwiches, the honest truth is that language just doesn’t work that way. If you ask me for a sandwich and I bring you a hot dog, you’ll think it’s weird. You might still accept it. You might ultimately be fine with

Well I’m sure they did their best.

Poor Thin Red Line. Even in its own entry it’s overshadowed by Saving Private Ryan. Shame, too, as imo TTRL is the superior of the two.

“Mark Hamill’s acting is TOO GOOD! Kill him immediately!” — A top movie executive, presumably

I know you’re joking, but “H.P. Lovecraft’s Beauty and the Beast of the Innsmouth” is 100% a book I would read/movie I would watch and only feel slightly guilty about enjoying.

Me never expect to see Cookie Monster use this kind of language!

Reading this thread like

I’m not too sad to see America go — it was an interesting idea that never quite took off. I think the writer had some cool concepts, but couldn’t quite communicate them in a way that wasn’t pretty awkward (the dialogue in the series, especially, was not good, and tbh I had no idea what was even going on half the

My thought on this: Doing something like The Holdo Maneuver would require incredible precision, meaning that you’d have to be literally right in front of the thing you’re trying to warp into, like Holdo was, to make it happen. Which is a risky proposition, because if you’re close enough to accurately hyper-jump into a

I stopped reading at “Star Wars is supposed to be...” Many of the critiques of TLJ start from the flawed premise that there is some kind of ineffable, essential Star Wars-iness that only true fans have access to. If the movie doesn’t live up to those very specific features, it’s not SW. This is a dumb argument. Rian

One big problem was the marketing, which rather stupidly relied on nostalgia for a 30-year-old movie that performed poorly in its original run, rather than revealing anything to “hook” a new audience. But that’s hardly just the fault of the marketing team: this would be a tough movie to market in the best of

Well I think we’re probably well into “Dream of Spring” territory here, so even if he had 90% of “Winds of Winter” finished it would do them no good. Plus the stories have really significantly diverged at this point. Not only are there a number of important players in the books who just simply aren’t in the show, I

Yeesh. I am just not sure I see the design here. What’s the point of rushing a bunch of crappy movies just so you can set up a cinematic universe, then doing as much as possible to confuse your audience about that universe? A lot of people are going to be very confused by multiple movies featuring the same character.

Between this and Arrival, is it finally cool to be a linguistics nerd? (To be clear, am linguistics nerd, want to be cool)

“I love The War on Drugs” is a statement that hurts my bleeding liberal heart just a bit, but in this case, it happens to be true. Their album “Lost in a Dream” is one of my all-time faves; Under the Pressure is an absolutely magical track. Can’t wait to listen to this.

Long time lurker at the AV Club, first time posting. Not a huge fan of Kinja in general and the layout could use some work, but I guess I’m on board for this experiment. I just have no idea how any of this works? Am I in “the greys”? How do I get out of them?