
Half of my time writing this comment was spent trying to determine where the Lion King music was auto-playing from.

I feel that you already know whether or not you’re already going to see this, Smith pushed himself from indie darling to some sort of “bizzaro Duplass brother”.

There is no point, there will never be and should never be a point

Hey, Kinja moderators? There’s a lot of nasty hate speech on this topic. I’ve flagged most of it - does that actually do anything? Can we boot these transphobes back to the dark holes from whence they oozed?

I do not comprehend what you just wrote. I'm not a stickler for grammar or anything I just have no idea what point you were trying to come to here. 

I’d also like to once again gush about how good the Unstoppable Wasp relaunch is, especially issues 4 and 5 which deal with Nadia’s bipolar disorder.

I’ve reversed the order of your statements in your previous post for a reason.

Read what you said again, and consider how that comes across to other people—and, more specifically, how disingenuous it makes your, “I am not finger-wagging” claim appear.

There’s explicitly casting aspersions, and then there’s what you’re

“Enough with the Paula Pell already” is a nuclear-level hot take which I did not expect to encounter today, so good on you for that at least.

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement

It was a joke. Made even funnier by the fact that I live in Texas and it’s not an abstract concept like it is for you. You know, it’s not all cowboys and racists y’all.

TLJ did the one thing that not even the prequels were able to do, it killed my enthusiasm for Star Wars

“Watchmen is a comic book.”

I’m on team “just let people enjoy things” but I also think Vampire Weekend is pretty cool I must be just the dumbest piece of shit

Now playing

Infinity War, I can kinda give a pass for. Civil War, though?

Season 1 of Korra was meh and Season 2 was outright godawful, but I’ll defend Season 3 until death, because Zaheer was an amazing villain. The first two seasons of Korra had extremists with a point that turned out to be complete fake, aka boring. But Zaheer was the real deal - he was a true anarchist, who really

Hey look, it’s exactly the same point that’s been made several hundred if not thousand times by not-even-God-knows how many other people. We fucking get it! This is exactly what I’m talking about.

How in the world is it possible to critique a film like Green Book without discussing how the film handles race?

Sure, pluralism is fine. One of the pluralities is being like “WTF, that’s weird” about the things I mentioned. I’m not really feeling like viewpoints such as the one expressed in this movie are in danger, given that it’s apparently both popular (according to you) and now an Oscar winner.

but I’m not certain what period piece movies are supposed to do about good, or evolving, white people in times of systemic racism. The best of the white savior movies have the black character transforming the white character in ways that move beyond, “I’m less racist now.” In that sense I think Green Book qualifies.

“It was unique.” You’re right, Captain Marvel is pretty much the type of movie I typically see from Hollywood.  Just your typical former Air Force pilot turned into a living weapon by a race of militaristically dominant aliens hellbent on destroying their mortal enemies who can shapeshift.  Been there done that.

You know what?