
Evans is not the producer, he is the presenter. Also the figures don’t include IPlayer and people that recorded the show.

What would Edd China do? Tell you, scrap it.

Donald Trump has faster reaction times.

I understand you don’t get it. But not everything is for sale, and the demand for currency increases it value.

The USD is getting shafted by the YEN, I guess than means the entire nation of the USA s for sale.

Most traders were long, when the result came out it was a surprise, traders went short, the computers took over. Hence the volatility, and recovery since.

No, because 1. its gained back 5% in days, it was a shock drop. 2. Entire nations are not for sale. 3. We wanted a cheaper currency, it helps our exporters, and tourism. Our stockmarket is flying.

The USD is being hammered by they YEN near 20% drop this year.

Stop spouting shit.

All the polls are great....But this some funny shit.....

Its a 100% fact the value of exports to NON EU countries is greater than EU countries. It passed the EU 7 years ago, and is projected one way UP.

Value is relative, hence the % for EU trade is dropping, every year. What is shows is trade with the EU has stagnated, Trade with the rest of the word is increasing.

Rant about immigration please quote me. You have no idea on this subject. What country are you from?

Still a snapshot of 12,000 and does not explain how many of these people make up the total vote. We all know the polls conducted all this shit before and were miles out. Not one was right now or in the last election, the main pollsters on average were 10 points off the result, that’s a epic error where 2-3% is the

Yes winners and losers, swings and roundabouts. The Nissan plant in the UK is amongst the most productive in the world. A weak pound helps exports, what we want...and will reduce imports....also what we want.

We have a deficit with the EU, so loss of trade will hurt the EU also, hence why there stock markets have been

“how could anyone in their right mind even consider this poll binding”

Polls are not binding, and neither are referendums, please educate yourself before opening your pie hole.

The largest gun massacre in the US, was done by a Muslim who was gay. Should you ban gays & Muslims from owning guns therefore? How do those

How on earth is democracy “utter nonsense” What is “70% qualified majority” and why should 90% of the nation be held too ransom by Scotland, less than 10% of the population? I now know why the USA should have a blanket ban on guns now, because of people like you.

I know you did not make this quote below, however you did make an incorrect response in response.

You have no idea what you spout, from that cunt mouth of yours.

Yes % of trade is going DOWN, value is relative to the overall amount. So trade is falling with the EU, Sine 2007 our BIGGEST trade partner was NOT the EU, and guess what we don’t have ANY trade deals with the bulk of our exports now. The shift is clear, the EU market is reducing for the UK while the rest of the world

Please tell me the context then? You see you Lefty Libtards, publish the same image showing the mass uncontrolled migration no one says a word, you just don’t like Farage using it because you’re a cunt. So you call “NAZI” without any reason, fact or thought on the matter.

It is YOU that needs some history lessons. The