
Please go spew your political rhetoric on the other Gawker pages. This is an auto enthusiast site. If we wanted to read media bias, we see the links to the left.

Yeah, RIP CD players, sadly replaced by soul-sucking smartphones w/Bluetooth

You guys are fucked in the head. If this makes a big difference to you I suggest seeking a therapist asap.

Well they have to make it look “scary” somehow! If they showed it for what it really was it would just be a tiny blip hardly worth making a fuss about. That way they can point to it and scream “OOOOOh Noooooes look what happened!” and millions of sheep will buy into it.

Britain is a good place financially, has great trade relations with most of the world, and is stable. (And has connections to tax havens if that’s what you need, they even have their own like Jersey, Isle of Man, British Overseas Territories Bermuda, BVI, Cayman Island... just ask Bernie).

Investors should be much more worried about the ramifications for the EU not GB

That is incorrect and also weird. Being a member of Schengen meant being part of the Euro which the UK opted out of, nothing to do with border control. I am able to travel to the UK without my passport and with what’s called an EU identity card instead although I’ve always just stuck with my passport. It’s outrageous

Why would I care what others definitions are? If I go and make up up definitions would you suddenly change your mind? Bottom line is - Oxford dictionary defines nationalism primarily as patriotic feelings and that is my point. Go look it up.

Heres your problem - I’m not racist so no matter how often you bandy around your new phrase it won’t make it true. Do you take your clue from Hitler who said if you tell a lie long enough and often enough people will believe it? By you shouting out racism continually as a perpetual lie I can’t help but think you’re

You’re way out on a limb and full of assumption. Im neither of those options and honestly Ireland isn’t divided that way any more. My view on this whole issue isn’t even based on what happens in the North. My opinion is entirely based on the Brexit being correct because it unwinds the problems of the EU being

Wow good grief I don’t even know where to start with your dumbassery. First, nationalism does not equal racism. If you believe that then you’re the ignorant and uneducated one and it would explain the stream of crap coming out of you.

You’re like a kid with a new toy running around showing people ‘look at my new toy ‘! You’ve been suckered into believing the propaganda of the media machine spinning this xenophobic crap and think it’s your new weapon against anyone who disagrees with you. I’ve got news for you - not everyone will agree with you in

Did you sit around a fire and pull that number out of your ass? The numbers are changing by the day so it tells me they haven’t a clue who did what. Bottom line is that the people spoke. Its called democracy. Accept it. If you don’t like it then move to N.Korea where you might feel more at home.

Spot on mate. You nailed it.

Right, I wasn't saying that was their primary reason for leaving, just explaining that the false premise people are putting forward about "raaaaayyyyyycism!!!!" being the case in any resistance to expanded immigration is total bunk.

And yet when you get older YOU WILL agree with the generations demographically preceding you.

As long as there is money to be made there will be trade, EU or no EU

The EU is finished as an experiment in transnational governance, and they’re going to have to come to terms with that. It will survive as a trade zone (which is what it was always supposed to be) and that’s it.

Maybe some. Maybe not. Either way life will go on. The UK and Germany sell plenty of cars over here in the US and China and everywhere else and we’re not part of the EU. It’ll all be fine. Totally fine.

So far today we have had 4 articles with an anti-Brexit tone. Where does this concern come from, by a US-based media outlet? I’m not complaining, I just don’t get why everyone would be so melodramatic about it. Britain will be fine, we will be fine, everyone will be fine in the long run. The EU could collapse tomorrow