
Its nothing like your retarded example. First the UK economy is the 2nd largest in the union, and will be the largest in 10 years. The UK is not “welfare queen” we pay into the EU, we support it. Unlike Texas and Alabama the UK has a rich history, lead the world and has massive influence. You have what hillbillies and

Free trade with only 450 million vs 7000 million. The EU cant even dictate terms with us.

1. The EU changed the rules and no one under 60 has been able to do anything about this in the UK.

We want our nation back, what’s the fucking problem? Even the WORST economists working for Remain never even said shit like “massive recession/depression” stop being a cunt.

Seriously you spout some shit. Those subsidies come from the money we send. Farage never promised £350Miilion (its was per week not month you tit) for the NHS EVER. Mortgages are going DOWN, Exports will go up with a weaker pound. The London markets are WORLD markets not just Europe. Scotland and NI CANT declare

Shut up idiot.

I wonder if you can get odds on the commons shafting the people? But what currency should I be paid in?

…. Scary times if true.

TG USA....make sure you burn it before nightfall.

Trade with the EU has been falling for 40 years. We have a £70BN trade deficit. We are a world financial center not just European hub. The worst tariffs could be 10%. Germany biggest car market by a stretch in the EU is the UK. 2nd in the world a fraction behind even the USA. These people are not stupid, they also

+ we can play Monopoly with real money....

Everything is speculation and fear at this point. I can only see three outcomes.

1. MP’s will vote this down, if they don’t the house of Lords will. So the referendum won’t be legal. This may trigger another referendum, but how? We have no PM, and which new PM will want/dare/care for this again? But say we get a new

I am sorry we buy far more than we sell £70Billion. so cutting of trade would cost the EU nation more than the UK. The most punitive tariffs could be 10%.

The may care about the £70Biilloon trade deficit, 820,000 German cars we buy, making us the 2nd biggest market for German cars in the world only a snip behind the USA. But the USA made Germany build car plants, so we could see German car plants in the add to the ones we already have. People talk shit now, but

Damn right, we have the £ the Euro wont be worth anything when it unravels. Hence why the DAX CAC and all other ,markets went down more than the FTSE. The £ is getting slammed, but that good for exports which is what we want.

That would be Ireland not the UK.

Wrong its more the 10%. Where will you sell these cars again?

You have no idea.

Its great listening too people talking like they know anything about Brexit, the people and the issues. You have no idea chump.

Raphael, did you not see the race to the car show, was emulating the journey carried out for the E Type in its so called spiritual successor. Yes it was FAKE (car was immaculate an unveil) and yes they could have left a month before, but that was not the point. It’s entertainment.

No the Rolls section did not need a

Good riddance.