
I have no demographics for ages of Brits in France. I believe we have around 330,000 UK nationals in France and we have 160,000 French in the UK. These figures are purely guesswork often. Some say over 300,000 French in London alone. So unless you have exact figures you’re speculating.

What about the WELSH you forget them.....Be careful confusing Ireland and Northern Ireland this would upset many.

The divisions in Ireland and NI are few now, its mainly a few idiots either side of the border. The VAST majority just want peace, and get on with there lives.

NI and Scotland WONT stay in the EU, this was

As a citizen of the EU. Please supply a copy of a ballot paper for leader of the :

EU Council
EU Parliament
Council of the EU
EU Commission

SO what you’re saying is...... the people of each nation DONT vote for the leader.

I think the USA could try this model, absorb all of The Americas into a union. Where the USA get about

Yes plenty, what articles would Jalonik have without him.

What is your criteria for someone being an “expert” would this include, organisations who got major decision wrong repeatedly?

Odd that trade with the EU has been going down since we joined, while deals with outside the EU are on the rise. But I guess 40 years of facts are not as good as Aljazerra reporters. Odd EU and USA markets tanked far more than the UK. Odd the UK produces more jobs than the other 27 EU nations. Odd that the UK economy

Hey you know what...If Texas, or any state of the USA, or in fact all states would like membership. I could have a word with Mr Juncker. He would welcome you all. Don’t forget as part of membership, you must : Have your laws made in Brussels, take 20 million refugees, give 500 million people FREE health care, and full

You’re funny, I like you.

“All experts”....LOL hand picked dummies, who never got any prediction right, and wanted us in the EURO.

Mmmmmm Nope. Where also will these cars be sold made outside of the UK with Tarrifs....back to square one with your plan.....It only works when the labour is cheap. Scotland is NOT cheap.

referendums are very disturbing for the economies, we have seen this first hand. This is why you DONT keep holding them.

So please tell me if the Scots left tomorrow what will happened the day after??

Frankfurt cannot pump anything…or the Germans unless you talking about the ECB….Well they do pump TRILLIONS into the EU, hence the EU falling and falling and negative rates, and shit bond yields. Paris can’t print a penny, as you DON’T control the currency. But waiat you will get TRILLIONS soon, the markets will

The point about independence votes.....You cant have them every 2 years, which is what the nationalists want. The Scots knew this was EU votes was coming, but could not wait, they timed it badly. They did also JOIN the UK, and were not absorbed. The vote was for the UK, and the UK voted on the EU as a whole.

The other

Scotland closer to the EU....ERRRR NO. Get a map. Norway is out, the UK is out. Ireland is futher away, and on the edge of the EU. The major car plants are Japanesse, and they wont lose there biggest client the UK. No more than Germany will lose 25% of its worldwide cars sales trying to snub the UK. I am sorry you

Yeah right, that’s why it was the EU & USA stock markets that got pounded on Friday not the UK. France will be next, followed by all the original EEC members. The EU ship is sinking, we got out. Elections in France and Germany are in the next year, and the predictions are NOT good for them. Spain vote today, second

People drive on the left and sit on the right. Australia was a colony....they still drive on the left, sit on the right, good on the Aussies. We build cars in the UK and export into Japan also.....

Japan built factories in the UK (Toyota/Nissan/Toyota) the most efficient car plants in the EU, too avoid taxes, but so

Actually the vote was turned by Labour voters in the UK who are lefties......The liberals are the ones shouting doom and gloom and wanting another vote, thinking we will persecute women and gays.....LOL yes people are that crazy I am sure you get similar people in the USA.

I doubt 99% of gawker staff have any idea of

France should NOT allow migrant camps in Calais. Your government are happy to let the problem move onto the UK. You can mobilise 70,000 security for the EURO football, but cant clear out Calais.

If Le Pen does get in, you will have border controls, and Calais would be cleared. Illegals will be pushed away from France.

I am sorry, before the borders came down in the Schengen, I never was stopped of searched....ok Once coming back from Amsterdam....However we are sensible, we WONT be putting French passport holders at the back of the line. The reason you get stopped is proably more down to your goverments policy on migration, and

Thank you for some common sense.