
Brexit is not stupid its a change. A change from 40 years of BS. Things could get ugly, we saw mass riots in the UK over FAR less than this. The miners/poll tax/race riots/2011. People did not see these coming either. Just like all the experts got it all WRONG.

Hold on step back a minute.

Polls don’t reflect the outcome or truth. We saw this twice in the UK. They called the election wrong, and now the referendum. Don’t read much into these snapshots of 1000 peoples views. 1000 people are not representative of 6 million.

Unrestricted migration between states in not the same as between sovereign nations.

Yes and we could say French people take British jobs and vice versa.....Its a fruitless debate. Maybe you could say all those rich Brits driving up houses prices, make French money? Brits certainly don’t put a strain on French services. France and the UK have a good reciprocal relationship. We buy more of your

It’s a shame you have no idea of the issues, but stick your mouthpiece in.

Like I said “It has nothing to do with race” We want OUR nation to make its own laws not 27 others controlling us.

What you think we should do, is something the USA would never do. Please educate yourself.

I clearly understand the difference form the EU and Europe. It is you that is confused.

England is part of the UK. The UK is LEAVING the EU. Scotland/Wales and NI also are leaving as they’re part of the UK.

The UK has NEVER been part of the EURO. The EURO is a currency not a place, or union.

Ireland has NOTHING TO DO

100% right Germany will not lose 1 million car workers, 25% of there car production and 820,000 sales for a laugh, or to teach us Brits a lesson.

and they just announced they’re building a new factory as planned despite Brexit.

No they wont leave, and why would they put car plants in Scotland and not Turkey when they join or Estonia where labour is cheaper? Please explain your odd comment?

We know who is in charge the Germans and French run after them. But yes the corporation control the Germans in the end.....The Germans 2nd biggest car market in the world...The UK....They talk tough now, but losing 25% of your cars sales will hurt Germany. A deal will be done, or they will have to find a home for

LOl really...

Juncker will be out of a job soon, as the EU falls. He can fuck off and wait the 2 years, if the EU lasts that long.

De Gaulle pulled France out of NATO, not a good person to use as any example. Scotland are in the UK, and not in the EURO, Ireland is a sovereign nation, that is nothing to do with the UK, they also are not in the Euro, they’re in the EU.

So you’re struggling to make any valid point, and clearly your confused about

Raw materials have never been cheaper....

Or the youth nearly fucked us up on there rose tinted, naive view of the world. Once they leave home and get a life the views change. Its called life experience and maturity. We can accept the legal and democratic outcome, the kids cant because it not what THEY WANT.

Not everyone drives left hand drive cars. In fact what comes out of the UK is far more desirable than pretty much any nation on the planet. Aston have jut announced today they’re 100% build a new factory in Wales. Japan drive on the left in right hand drive cars, like the UIK....when did we have them as a territory

No the people are in control, the government would not dare go against the people on this issue, unless they wanted civil war. Article 50 will be served in October when the new leader of the Conservatives takes over. Then its 2 years.

YAWN....The UK buys far more from the EU than we sell them. hence a punitive tariffs on UK products, will result in the same here. Which will cost the EU more. Also WTO rules apply. Germany 2nd biggest market in the world is the UK, only the USA buys slightly more. The USA don’t have a trade deal either, how do they

So 52% of the UK drive a ford fusion, jazz ......really you lost, get over it.