
BLAH BLAH, So patriotic people not wanting too be part of a Union they never voted for is a bad thing now. Please..............

The borders wont go up, it will not change a thing.

You highlight one thing, the political powers do NOT represent the people, and have lost touch.

So change is good, no more bickering about IN/OUT just the future in a big wide world not tied into the failing EU.

Its actually 2.8 T vs 17.9 T so.....6.2 x . I said 6x which is nearer than 7x so not a bad guess.....

Scotland can try, they wont get it, this chance was wasted 2 years ago.

Yes and its bounced around 20% either way recently. The EU has negative interest rates also, unlike the UK. We still have some ammo in the bag.

Yes wanting any controls on who comes into your nation, is now 100% racist in the UK in the eyes of under half of the country.

Its nothing like Texas. The UK joined a trade union 43 years ago. No one under 60 had ever had a choice in change. This was 7 nations a trade pact. Now its 28 and a political union. We cannot stop any amount of people coming here from the pool of 500 millions people.

We don’t like what we see, so we left. Would Texas

No you have immigration out of control, like us. Hence the rise of Trump. As a sovereign nation we would like to choose how many and who can come....just like everyone else on the planet. But we also have the lunatic left and stupid liberals who call us racist, bigots.......etc etc. Our left don't accept the VOTE they

PEACE.....What happened before the peace....I know GERMANY twice in three decades tried too take over Europe. It was the UK, with the Soviets, Americans and our British Commonwealth that smashed them TWICE, NOT Europe. Now its a take over via other methods. This time Germany control the union and crush nations under

I am sure the USA would be welcome in the EU, and then Estonia can dictate laws in the US....I am sure it will work out great.

Muslim colony....LOL

I have no issues with Polish, American, French Plumbers, or wherever they come from. Provided they’re a good plumber, its legal and they pay taxes, and have a right of entry, and are working.

We had no “lead” vote, we don’t have a National front. You think the Yen is Chinese, and the US economy is 16x larger than the UK’s.....LOL

So tell me do Texas decide your nations laws, or immigration? NO. However what you suggest we should do is WORSE. Let our laws, taxes, military etc etc be decided by another

The US economy is not 16x bigger than the UKs. 6x is more like it, however this is down to population sizes also.

The Yen is Japan not China. The Dollar, Yen, Euro and Pound are the worlds reserve currencies, so you can compare them. So please before you start talking about “economic grasp” at least know where the Yen

Wow you bring in age and skin colour, you’re the NASTY face of the so called Liberals. I could not give a fuck how many young agree with you, the majority of the nation DONT. Its called democracy.

So what you say is having immigration controls are racists. Please show me ONE fucking nation on this planet that does not

All those experts....That never predicted the outcome of election or referendum, and told us we should join the EURO, or those politicians that never lied. But lets listen too YOU who does not even know the import tax rates, and drives a 2CV.

It dropped as it was ramped because the idiots called the result, and were wrong. The US and EU markets fell more than the UK ones.

It’s easy commenting on another’s nation when you don't live there. Please fuck off.

I agree many in the Remain camp are fucking ignorant, still crying about democracy.