
I am nearer London than Brussels. I understand some like you don’t like the power of voting for leaders, hence you bow down too the EU chiefs you never voted for. Boris is accountable, he can be voted out, your EU overlords cant.

How the FUCK is that racist. The same image was used by The Guardian. Those are NOT EU migrants either you idiot.

I give the EU 5-10 years from here.....and the Scots wont leave.

How can you have a the nerve posting polls. These same idiots got the election and referendum wrong, and they had a 50.50 chance of getting that right. However the majorty voted over 72% and we voted OUT. Live with it. I guess as near 50% of Scots in the referendum wanted out they’re mad, and most of that was

When you feel free in the USA to allows all your laws to be made or superseded by 27 other nations, have uncontrolled immigration and pay hundreds of billions for this, all set by unelected leaders crazed socialist leaders, who are trying to counter NATO. And make you border, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Please come back and

Yes and Yes but those specific videos...NO. Things like school places, the NHS, ghettoes appearing, failure of integration, house prices going up, wages going down are bigger issues.

Chicken Tikka Masala is a British invention. Before you talk about British history remember, there would be NO USA if not for the Brits.

Chicken Tikka (not Tikki) Masala is a British invention. We have taken control of our nation, its a good thing.

Thank fuck, someone that actually gets it.

UK Borders are open to ANY nation of the EU. It’s got FUCK all to do with Schengen, which has failed as many nations put up the borders. Being part of the EU makes it possible for 27 nation to come to the UK not only for work. But also benefits, free healthcare, school, and on and on an on. This is not about showing a

The only idiots are people like you.

1. There are NO officials stats. The same people that write these polls you pass off as anything, got the outcome of the referendum and election wrong. Not good when its a 50/50 choice. S

2. Scotland wont quit, they cant have a referendum without the consent of parliament. They had

You have NO fact’s as no official stats are produced. Just polls, and guess what these same experts got wrong....The outcome of the referendum, and the last election. That’s twice when they only have a 50/50 outcome.

If you come from the USA would you allow, unrestricted immigration, laws being made in another country

Check your own history first.

Deano you tosser, people wanting immigration control are racist now.

I don’t watch links from homophobes. TG is funded by BBC worldwide, a subsidiary of the BBC. Look it up before making a twat of yourself. No one forces you into watching TG, you seem to put yourself through this ordeal then come crying, why?

The BBC do not need advice from a idiot like you.

If $50,000,000 is unclear,

The GBP has been far lower than it went today. A low pound is good for our exporters...THAT IS WHAT WE WANT. We want more exports. Its the European markets getting hammered more than the UK, because the EU is over. In fact the DOW fell more today than the FTSE, the Nikkei got slammed far worse. The reason for the

Yes a war will happen in Europe, they SKY will fall BLAH BLAH. He is not saying 48% of people are not decent, you’re making that tenuous link. What do we call the Scots who wanted to leave the Union? Nothing they lost we move on.

I don’t live under a bridge, do you live at the end of a rainbow? But let me tell you

It called democracy you idiot. Controlling your borders is one thing. Not being able to stop ANYONE of 27 nations, having access to healthcare, benefits, etc, we CANT control that. Why don’t you join a union with Mexico, give them free entry, healthcare, housing, money?? Also let Mexico make 60% of your laws, and

It works nothing like that. We joined a trade union. Not what the EU is today. No other nation outside of the EU would allow the shit we have forced on us. So we left, as a raft of others will now. In the USA you get behind the flag, your patriotic to one country the USA. Europeans are not like that, we have

52% of the nation are not rednecks you ignorant fool. 52% of people wanted our nation back. You don't live in the UK, you don't know the issues so shut the fuck up.