
‘victory for ordinary, decent people’ was what Farage said, not the cut down quote you supplied, with NO context.

All that you said is pretty true. However there were other reason. Many do not like the fact 60% of our laws are made in Brussels, by 27 other nations. We joined as trade pact, not a economic and political union which is what the EU warped into over 40 years. Others don’t like millions coming to our overcrowded nation

What natural resources do Switzerland have?
Wanting to control your borders, immigration policy, laws and future is not nationalism. Its sensible and reasonable. Would the USA want a political and financial union with the Americas? Would you want laws made in another country, and people telling you who you can trade

FAST.....LOL First we wont leave until at least October 2018. Tax would be 10%.

We left for many other reasons actually. Germany is the core of the EU, they leave there is no EU. They will do whatever they can to try and prop up the failing EU, they will the last turning the lights out on the failed project.

You and this reporter have no idea, what the fuck your talking about. Probably because you comment from the USA, not the UK.

Of course and we all have flat caps, and dance with Mary Poppins.

“And no, I didn’t say “faggot” in the sense related to homosexuality... I have no problem with homosexuals.”

HAHAHA Ok a faggot is a derogatory term for a homosexual, or a kind of meatball made in the SW of Engand.

Top Gear is not some serious car show, it entertainment. Yes you may not give a fuck about Jordan.

“chip up” “right knocker” “fixin for a scrap” LOL not Manc terms...But I would have a pint with Nige.

Yeah right, that’s why we have such a fast growing economy amongst our peers, and created more jobs than the rest of the entire EU block combined. Not to mention such low unemployment. Please refrain from spouting shite.

Well having access to the IOM helps him save on his tax, he is not stupid. Just a puppet who thought he picked the winning side.

How does the world operate without EU integration.....JUST FINE. I wonder how the USA would like unlimited amounts of immigrants, no border control, and the free movement of people from the Americas How about laws made in Mexico, or having to just send money overseas for no reason? HOW do the USA/China/Japan the

Shut your pie hole. Scotland wont leave, they wont get a referendum for a LONG time. NI wont as we will do a deal with Ireland over border controls, just as we have had for near 100 years, long before the EU was around. So stop being a drama Queen.

Yep and the financial “experts” all said we wont leave. They had a shock between midnight and 3.00am when the markets tanked 10%. The reason for such a massive initial loss was because, so many traders had gone long, and needed to cover positions, and the computer trades take over. Once that cleared out the FTSE was

Yes taught a lesson.....How will that work as we import more from the EU than export. Surely it will hurt them more. The EU falling apart.

Wonder if Ford sell more in Turkey or the UK?

It was the EEC a trade zone with similar nation. It was when 20 more nations were added, many from the former Soviet block.

Well seeing as we wont leave until at least October 2018, I would not worry. It could be 2020 by the time we leave the EU.


The Northern Irish, not the Irish.