Fred E. Mercury


That LeBron quote ... you can tell he’s starting to transition from superstar-LeBron into future GM-LeBron.

This is way too serious a comment for such a silly story.

At least half of this is basically regurgitating the Ringer.

Can’t wait for all the Penn State fans to turn this season into a deflategate-style “you screwed us and now we’re getting our revenge” tour. Only they would be capable of that spin-job. It’s coming.

Panthers fan here. I ride or die with Cam. Excited about McCaffrey as a receiver but I know we’ll misuse him. At least having Cam makes our team more fun to watch than at least 25 other teams. Love that dude, and I’ll fight anyone who doesn’t.

Soros is one of the top contributors to the Democratic Party. But I guess it’s not worth going into those details on this site.


Can’t wait for the post-lunch update.

Damn, the Hornets just killed the Hawks with that trade. Lol Miles Plumlee.

Or maybe they should actually enforce the salary “cap”.

Can it be OK to believe health care isn’t a right, but still want everyone to have it?

There are so many options for how we spend our time that it’s going to be really hard for the WNBA to grow much more, IMO. Most people don’t even watch the MLB regular season anymore. Even the NBA in many ways is becoming a “I’ll show up for the playoffs” sport. The NFL is immune because of fantasy football. That

I mean, Deadspin wouldn’t be shit without real reporting going on. Deadpsin and most blogs do 90% aggregation.

The most annoying thing about Mixon is hearing Every. Single. Draft. Analyst. talk about how he’s good and then go into a 1-2 minute explanation about how they don’t condone hitting women. Why do they feel the need to qualify that every single time? Does anyone listen to Todd McShay say that Mixon catches the ball

Surprised you guys haven’t written about this yet.

I wonder how long it could be before the same happens in Charlotte. Old owner, middle-aged stadium, smart-enough fanbase that won’t give the NFL money. This train doesn’t stop if cities continue to be willing to shell out money.

God I love “bigly”

The Browns will figure out some way to screw this up.

“N.C. State should have never fired Gottfried”