Mr. Swearword

Cecily Strong has been one of the best guest judges they’ve had. Not only was she super funny and personable when she was working with the queens, but you could see her trying to give them practical, valuable, hard-earned comedy advice. It was so sweet to see her enjoying herself, and clearly wanting all the queens to

Aight, a late, overdue set o’ Random ‘pinions. Blame my bestie who insisted we go see the new J-Lo movie. tl;dr: it’s a surprisingly affecting dramatic turn for Miz Lopez, in what was explicitly billed in the marketing as a romcom.

Hey, henny!

Welcome back, henny - for a few new Random ‘pinions:

Plague-mongers. Now, THAT has a ring.

Bio-Terrorists is what I use. They have parties to purposely spread a disease.

Or, if you prefer Venn diagrams

I just call them assholes.  Seems to fit just as well

May I submit for consideration, “Pestilencians”?

Let’s not call them anti-vaxers anymore. It is so negative. I think Plague Carriers is more accurate and predictive of their future.

Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.

I think it might be “pro-easily preventable death.

The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!

honestly, what is the point of this film?

2. Dusty Ray Bottoms won the damn library redux and that kinda took me by surprise. That NEVER LAVD YA moment at Michelle was oh so sweet but aw mai lurdz at everything else.

I felt like the other queens were attacking Kameron for being an introvert. Of course, they know more than I do, but all the descriptions of what they’re saying she does, I kind of do. If I’m in a big crowd of people I don’t know well, I clam up. But if I’m in a smaller group of like 4-6 of people I know well, then

Asia - Kam - Aquaria, absolutely. Been a Kam stan from the start (her consistently joyous IG presence is quite aspirational for someone like me), but dear lord, Asia would without a doubt be the most worthy addition to the Reigning Queen pantheon since Sharon, and has thoroughly stolen my heart.

I disagree with some of your other points but I agree with you about the talk to the photo of the young you segments. I’ve hated them from the beginning. I can’t believe Oliver Sava likes them. I find it downright exploitative. Basically forcing queens who have endured abuse and trauma to relive it and come up with

YEEEEEEEP. I hated the inner saboteur and I hate the talk to the children. Such OBVIOUS emotional bullshit manipulation more than genuine catharsis or revelation. The producer’s hand may be consistent and “makes good reality TV”, but it doesn’t make for the weird sincerity I’m looking for in my artifice.