Mr. Swearword

ALRIGHT KITTENS, a bit of a confession...I sort of spoiled myself when footage of this episode leaked pretty much in its entirety but focused only on the LSFYL because that section is my favorite part of RPDR. That aside, there’s still this much to discuss regarding UNTUCKED [and general thoughts about some of the

Alright Kittens, let’s do this (and hi Kate, glad to see someone else love the Drag Race like we do):

1. A lucha libre-kini isn’t a LQQRRRRK worth bragging about, sis. #SorryBoutIt And for as much as I cannot stomach Aquaria, the bitch quotes Drag Race on a frequent basis like the rest of us. Sure, that’s forced as shit too but hey gurl hey a silver lining has to be in there somewhere.

Alright Kittens, let’s do this:

Now I’m wondering if most of the entries in her TWO JOURNALS she has for this season came from this episode alone

Interesting you mention Trinity Taylor for Asia this week but I view Kameron as a TT 2.0 in terms of potential rise because of adaptability. Let’s face it though, Kameron’s fishy as fuck draggacles is what she’s selling and I love the juxtaposition from trade to geish with her.

ALRIGHT KITTENS, aside from a pretty good episode with a damn great lipsync song and a refreshed and beautiful looking Courtney Love let’s get into ALL THIS:

Let’s take our TROLLvada, gurls:

I’ve missed you and your ‘pinions, gurl. <3

ALRIGHT KITTENS, Let’s get into this:

Wow, what a shock, the right-wing “news” network hires a shrill blonde that spouts off nonsense all in the name of “conservative” values.

So yeah, here I am in burner world. Motard, Brady Thomas...friends from the RuPaul’s Drag Race audience here I am