
You feel this so strongly, you even upvoted yourself! Impressive!

Yeah, the Bill Cosby thing got going in October/November. (Source: Google Trends.) Too late for the show.

Yeah, calling Latrice unpolished was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now.

Katya's not happening? Don't say that: I love Katya. Why can't Katya win?

I did NOT give Phi Phi a pass for her behavior because she was young. Or for any other reason.

I also would like to see Trixie return (despite not being quite as into her as a lot of y'all seem to be), but I never liked seeing eliminated contestants return — they never did any better after coming back, I never enjoyed the people who did get to come back, and it seemed above all else unfair to let them skip two

[never mind]

Matters of taste are not, it turns out, moral issues. (-Annie Dillard)

In fairness to Carson, it's been all of three episodes. He could get more interesting. (Though I say this as someone who rejoiced when I learned that Santino was gone, so I may have a pro-Carson bias.)

Me too!

But with an internal rhyme, though. People will forgive a lot if you can just give them some internal rhyme now and then.

You don't believe Amy Poehler, but you'll believe us?

Counterpoint: Season 2 Shangela.

I'm not anti-Courtney so much as pro-Adore; I thought being in the top 3 was perfectly reasonable for both of them. Which I see now was your original point. I was being nitpicky w/r/t "outperformed," and I apologize.

Yeah, those were definitely some boos. She reacted to it when they started, kinda surprised-like.

PLEASE somebody give Alaska a show. Sitcom, drama, local morning news, NOVA, anything.

on the sixth day of drag-mas, my RuPaul gave to me,

I was actually in some genuine suspense about Miss Congeniality this year . . . until Joslyn got married. And then I was like, oh, right, they couldn't decide between Joslyn and Bendela either, so they gave Joslyn a wedding and they're going to give Bendela Congeniality, so both of them get something and the fans

Not only are the queens coming in more prepared, but we as an audience are getting harder and harder to impress. If Courtney'd been on Season 2, there's no way Tyra would have won. By season 6, though, people look at Courtney and are just ennh, she's all right I guess.

Not sure I can cosign that last sentence, but otherwise, yes. And of course any universe in which April gets sent home early so that Gia and Laganja can stay around is an unjust one.