
Holy shit Sasha. I had no idea. (Though the lobster dress was memorable too, now that I think back.)

(I was laughing before Alaska had even finished asking her question in this episode. And I was trying not to. It's like a Pavolvian thing: I hear that voice and I know something funny is going to happen.)

Of course they're financially strapped. Have you ever been to their website? Sixteen kinds of broken.

You're just jealous of Ru's boogie.

Well, Baberaham Lincoln is in there too, for sure. I'm more inclined to remember outfits that surprised me, and obviously as there are more seasons, I'm harder to surprise. (I probably remember more individual outfits from season 4 than from 5-7 combined.)

I don't think it's disowned so much as, they didn't get whatever rights you need to reproduce the music on streaming internet or DVD, only the rights to air it on TV. So, they can't include the lip synchs, or any other occasion when music is part of the show.

Oh come on. This was a great episode, right up until . . . the . . . *sob* . . . end.

It was Ross Matthews. Clearly.

Reality TV is Always more TV than reality.

(For me personally, the chicken outfit was about halfway redeemed by her bullshit explanation for it, and subsequent admission that it was bullshit in Untucked. If nothing else, it's one of very few outfits this season that I'm going to remember.)

I find it really tough to believe that Ginger is the best big-girl applicant the show got this year. Not impossible, but tough.

I also would donate your organs for another week of Katya.

I'm not nuts about season 2 either, but yeah.

*flips over police car and sets it on fire*

If undeserved preferential treatment is the way to tell, Ginger's got the win locked up.

It may be that Ginger is coming across as nastier because the rest of the group is mostly not. I mean, Ginger wouldn't come across as particularly nasty if she'd been on season 3, but this season, there's not really anybody else being The Mean One.

Same, with the single exception of her (proposed) Snatch Game character. That was surprising and funny.

A lot of what I like about Pearl is that she doesn't come across as mean. I don't mind a little sarcasm every now and then, but I don't like pot-stirrers and I don't like mean girls. Not only does Pearl not go after the other girls particularly, it seems like even if she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to find the

Yeah, there were points at which I would have been perfectly happy with a win from Sharon, Latrice, Chad, Willam, or whoever killed Phi Phi.

Link to Latrice's original line reading —>here<—. (Spoiler: it's "MY face.")