
Courtney "outperformed" Adore in the sense that Adore won more challenges than Courtney (Courtney: 2, Adore: 3), and placed high in more challenges than Courtney (Courtney: 1, Adore: 2). The judging on the challenges is sometimes kind of arbitrary, granted, but still.

But seriously:

$20. Same as in town.

Seniority? Blackmail?

Khloe Kardashian: It works for me too. I like the way it sort of looks like a fish, because one time when I was little I had a fish but then it died and I was like five and I got real upset, so now every time I see a fish I think about death. And those sleeves are amazing.

It was discussed upthread. Do a Ctrl-F for "She was here in D.C. a few weeks ago" and you'll find it.

Michelle Visage: Laganja, you know I love you, but that party look doesn't say "existential fear of death" to me. I grew up in New Jersey, okay? [laughter from panel] I know an existential fear of death when I see it, and you're not giving it to me.


I'm guessing "on dippers" = "in diapers."

I wish I'd known at the time; I live close enough that I could have seen her there. (I still regret not seeing Jujubee, who I did know about, the year before.)

The $100,000 prize seems awfully important, because we're reminded about it so often and it seems like a lot of money, but really there are always multiple Drag Race winners. The winners are the people who can get better club bookings, who viewers will show up to watch perform. This season, I'm thinking the winners

The loss of Interior Illusions was especially upsetting here in my house, as we'd taken to calling the upstairs bathroom "the Interior Illusions Lounge," and now the joke doesn't make as much sense.

Oh. So she acted like she did on the show, then, basically. Except with less crying?

Swan Lake is not what you mean, unless Adore and Bianca are both about to die and then ascend into the heavens together. (Which would make for interesting TV, but seems a little metaphysical for RPDR.)

Agreed. It seems especially strange that the editors would attempt to do this when they already know it doesn't lead anywhere. I mean, they have all the footage when they start editing, don't they? (Same for Alyssa / Coco last season, really.)

That's really only a problem if you're watching for the rivalries and villain storylines, though. I like it, personally.

I want details! What did she do?

I've been lifting weights for the last five or six weeks, just so I'll be strong enough to overturn a police car, should the need arise.

I hadn't thought about it before, but I suspect you're right about this. Obviously you'd want to clear the rights to whatever songs you thought you were going to want to use well in advance of taping the show, so there'd be no nasty legal surprises popping up in the middle of it, no unuseable lipsynchs and so forth.

(Yes. Logo has the shittiest website ever.)