
Should we get a petition together? (We could call it "A Petition to See More Skills and Less Manufactured Drama On Ru Paul's Drag Race" or something.) 'Cause I'd fucking sign it.

Yeah, it's kind of disappointing to realize that I don't find this surprising at all. Of course the show would sabotage one of its contestants on purpose. (Even if this particular accusation turns out not to be true, it's completely believable.)

I hate to descend into Drag Race paranoia, but I think you're right. No way do the songs just happen to be perfect for one contestant or another as often as they do.


Here's one source (possibly not the original):

where past villains like PhiPhi and Mimi (PhiPhi and Mimi, snerk)

I'm surprised you remember Princess well enough to dislike her.

It's not so much that I thought April was a contender for the top 3. Probably she wasn't. But I do feel pretty strongly that her elimination was the most unfair one of the season, and I liked what I saw of her, so I do wish she hadn't left as early as she did.

A thousand times this. I like the show so much better when it's about the drag (the outfits! the innuendo! the creativity!) than when it's about the cattiness. I know that, being a reality show, RPDR is probably never going to leave the fighting completely behind, but I look forward to watching a lot more when the

Twitter. Which means we need a clever hashtag.

Yeah, it did come off more as a Halloween costume than as couture.

Ah, I see we're really not having the same conversation.

We're going at this from different enough perspectives that I'm not sure we're having the same conversation. Which is frustrating.

I was thinking the same: are we sure that there haven't been any, just bleeped out?

Okay, less flippantly now, because for whatever reason I sense that you're at least trying to argue in good faith:

Ah, the old "well even if I get off your foot now, somebody's going to stand on someone's foot again someday, so I'm going to keep standing on it" approach.

I agree that it's a little douchey to pull the episode from people who have already paid to see it.

You really believe that the entire episode is lost and gone forever, never to return? Isn't it more plausible that Logo pulled the episode temporarily after making their decision, because editing isn't instantaneous, and that it will return once they've added whatever explanatory items need to be added? The episode did

Ru and Logo remain 100% free to use whatever terms they wish to use, and are 100% free to stop using terms that's getting them unpleasant feedback. And hey, maybe if enough people gave them unpleasant feedback about dropping "she-male," etc., maybe they'd start using it again. I wouldn't join it, but you're certainly

My goodness, this slope is slippery.