
If someone told you she was smart enough to be doing it calculatedly, would you believe them?

+1ing for the video. I may have nightmares about it tonight, but I was amused, so.

I refuse to believe that Laganja could be in the Final Three-ish. I barely even believe that Laganja is on the show.

I want to see Latrice and Bianca do a good cop / bad cop life coaching show.

As much emphasis as is given to having the right appearance on RPDR, being smart is a way bigger deal. That's why we'll be losing Laganja soon (#pleasegodletusbelosinglaganjasoon), and why Ben and Bianca are the favorites to win.

9. Laganja
8. Milk
7. Darienne
6. Trinity
5. Joslyn
4. Courtney
3. Adore
2. Ben
1. Bianca
0. Laganja is the worst.

Then complaining weeping about how pointy they are.

I could get into that.

Season 3, episode 9.

Who's the drag king equivalent of RuPaul, though? Who would you get to host the show?

Out of curiosity — what outfit are you counting as La Dolce Vita? (I'm not being snide; I'm just not that familiar with the film.)

Kristen Johnson? You had a problem with Kristen Johnson?

That's some zen koan shit, there.

I believe Pandora (?) said a while back that that's essentially correct: two days of work, then runway/judging/untucked is a whole day unto itself, then another two days of work.

Why wouldn't you go to the Tonys pregnant? If you were pregnant, I mean.

(It was also because that was late in the season, when nobody was going to give Phi Phi the benefit of the doubt on anything because we all HATED HER.)

Let's start some "Gia wins" spoilers really quickly, just to ensure that that doesn't happen.

Have faith. It'll happen someday. And it will be glorious.

Hey, I could support Courtney as Kristen Chenowith. That could be really wonderful.

I really liked Adore's runway outfit this week. That may have been the only thing I liked about Adore this week, actually.