
Keeping the number of Beyonces in the world to a manageable number is a worthy goal, however quixotic, and I think we should all be grateful to Bianca for trying.

I don't think we've seen Bianca actually come for one of the other queens yet. So far, she's actually been giving pretty decent advice, albeit more bluntly than the younger queens are apparently used to. (Is this standard, in the drag world? That everybody's all we're-sisters-I-love-you all the time? 'Cause you'd

They're even doing the wonky-eye edit with Gia, as with Phi Phi. I'm worried about the end of the season.

I hope prospective RPDR contestants read these comments. There have been so many good suggestions for Snatch Game celebrities.

A drag queen is going to leave national TV exposure? Voluntarily? That seems . . . implausible.

Did you watch Untucked? She wasn't exactly being warm and fuzzy there, but she was also giving some damn good advice and perspective to Magnolia, in a tone that I thought was reasonable and kind. Or at least not unkind.

Are you sure she doesn't? It's been all of one episode, after all.

Seriously. How is this even a question?

I see what you did there.

Milk's beard was worth it, if only for the moment in Untucked where they show her thoughtfully stroking it while the other queens talk.

If our alternative is to watch Gia, Laganja, and Adore scratch one another's eyes out, I'll be fine with seeing lots of Joslyn.

Touche. Though, you know, I'd probably watch it anyway.

But the swan dress! That's glamour! Or something! (Isn't it?)

Some of them weren't firecrackers from the first episode either, though. As we get to know the group, I'm sure we'll find people to like. Darienne Lake looks like she's going to be pretty awesome, judging by this year's Untucked intro.

Then next season, she learns to love somebody else? Maybe Santino?

All three of them can go quickly as far as I'm concerned. Laganja and Adore are inexplicably stressful to watch (visibly insecure, maybe? I can't pin down what it is.). Gia is talented and looks good, but anybody throwing that much shade should be a lot more creative with it.

Cyber-Merle, Cyber-Merle
Does whatever a Cyber-Merle does
Can he speak respectfully to racial minorities?
No he can't, he's a racist
Look ouuuuuuut, he's a Cyber-Merle!

Cyber-Merle, Cyber-Merle
Does whatever a Cyber-Merle does
Can he speak respectfully to racial minorities?
No he can't, he's a racist
Look ouuuuuuut, he's a Cyber-Merle!

See you next season, y'all. You are truly the wind beneath my wigs. Possibly also the wigs beneath my wigs.

Enh. I'd hit it.