
In fairness, she turned out to actually be a front-runner, what with making it to the final four, so I wouldn't say the expectation was entirely misplaced.


@janinedm:disqus (remember Horchata doesn't know that Coco is a monster)

Coco may or may not be worse that Phi Phi, but Phi Phi was never fun to hate.

(Michelle is already about 30% there, even. #Shade)

A block of styrofoam should replace Michelle or Santino as one of the permanent judges.

Yes. Untucked is becoming downright unwatchable. I'm still watching it, because every time I think about skipping it, a voice in the back of my head is all like, but what if something interesting happens? The problem is that it's been so long since something interesting happened on Untucked that the other voices in my

I'd rather watch that one than this one, that's for sure.

Well if we're reserving drag names, I want to let everybody know that Lois Carmen DiNominatre is mine.

"Peek-a-Ru! I see . . . oh, my." [picks up opera glasses]

@avclub-93b01e5ee2be710c6bc3ac49ada27c7b:disqus You win.


"Look, it's nice that you're taking the sins of the world on yourself and all, but can we talk about your contouring? It's amateurish and awful."

The Netflix one-man show started off so slow that I nearly turned it off after fifteen minutes, but it was worth watching to the end.

Yeah, I was a little confused by this too.

That sounds to me like one of the boring Sunday morning politics shows (This Week, Meet the Press), but with drag queens and alcohol. Which automatically makes it fifty times better.

Me too, about the contacts. Were they actually glowing? It looked like they were glowing.

It is my unshakeable belief that the laughing-Jinkx shot was spliced in from some other thing to make it appear that she was laughing at Alyssa. I refuse to believe that Jinkx would ever do such a thing.

The only person who would have made less sense would be Jinkx.

That's kind of what I thought, too. Some kind of sad echo of the extreme plastic surgery outfit of Sharon's.