
You know, if the producers read these comments (which they should), they're now thinking Aha! Where can we find more delusional drag queens?* Because they appear to think we watch the show to be infuriated.

Really? That's disappointing: I like(d) Yara.

I was going to leave this comment on last week's thread, because the comments keep showing up about stuff like "Latrice Royale: Life Coach" and whatever, but I got to the discussion too late to put it in. So here is my proposal for what I think LOGO's 2013-14 schedule should be. Make up your own!

From your lips to God's ears, dahling.

Ru: Tori, Perverted Pam is so perverted, the last time she went out on a date with a guy, she asked him to blank.
Tori: Oh, I'm sorry, [contestant] — I wrote "re-enact the story of Isis and Osiris."

And maybe more importantly, two winners from the same household in a row.

Well, it's a roast, though: anything should be fair game, unless we're specifically told otherwise.

I know! Jade's been the biggest disappointment for me this season — in the first episode, it seemed like she might be kinda fun, but it's all been downhill since then.

I agree that it's kind of appalling that the queens don't know more about gay culture and history, in the same way that it's appalling that in any given Snatch Game, at least four of the nine queens will choose a pop singer (see: Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Katy Perry, Janet Jackson, Cher,

The Coco/Alyssa thing is seriously making me question the
producers'/editors' judgment this season. It'd be different if one or
both of them were amusingly crazy. Like, a Tammie Brown / Coco feud, or
an Alyssa / Yara feud — those might actually go somewhere and be worth
watching. But once you've seen any two-minute

@facebook-1611764210:disqus  Seriously. Just today, I was fondly reminiscing about last season's Ru / Sharon-as-Michelle / Michelle cackle-fest.

Or Kristen Johnston. Let's not forget Kristen Johnston so soon.

Yes, but also because Michelle and Santino are there so Ru doesn't have to make any unpleasant, specific critiques of the girls on-camera. (Ru does, occasionally, but most of the time, she's the principal to M&S's vice-principal.)

There's maybe something a little questionable in being a man, pretending to be a woman, who's normally portrayed by a different man. (Have we learned nothing from The Pee Wee Herman Incident?)

@avclub-eb4667ff39379a3f2adc6143008b914c:disqus  You can't mean Nina, can you?

I would like to see a top three of Alaska, Detox, Jinkx.

@avclub-981ec2327e01401e552164ed7314d4b0:disqus And then we will all go, "Well that was fucking pointless: why did they waste an episode on that," because that is what we do. Circle of Life!

Yara and I would like to have a word with you. 

I know! Why do they think we want to see people fighting? (I mean, I'm sure some people do. But personally, I'd be much happier with more focus on people being wacky during the challenges. Ivy on stilts, Jinkx doing anything, that sort of deal.)

The way the show is dragging this out, even though they've already shown us that the characters involved in the feud would be way more interesting doing anything else, and that the feud isn't based on anything particularly dramatic in itself (paperwork? Seriously?), is giving me Lost flashbacks.