
Well, "ciao" is funny. And I love everything Ilona (W&H) does, even though I recognize that it's stupid. And the Burkles stuff is actually fairly gripping. But otherwise, right there with you.

Well, "ciao" is funny. And I love everything Ilona (W&H) does, even though I recognize that it's stupid. And the Burkles stuff is actually fairly gripping. But otherwise, right there with you.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Yeah, it's not so much that he's supposed to be elegant and suave as that he's supposed to be all wise and sensible and thoughtful all of a sudden. Buffy's not under a spell, she fell for The Immortal on her own; The Immortal's got flaws and ain't all that; she's moving

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Yeah, it's not so much that he's supposed to be elegant and suave as that he's supposed to be all wise and sensible and thoughtful all of a sudden. Buffy's not under a spell, she fell for The Immortal on her own; The Immortal's got flaws and ain't all that; she's moving

DST is what happens when the government brittas time.

Right, 'cause telling people their feelings about TV shows are wrong is such a great use of a person's time.

@avclub-e9309e9dad2eec2178450f2b293a0063:disqus Weirdly, no. That sentiment is one I expect from Angel; we've heard it a few times by this point in the series.

@avclub-84f9e7d729107289d35152b4262e2b53:disqus It's possible that the psychiatric staff line only really resonates with me, I dunno. It's just that Anne seems so happy about the part-time paid psychiatric staff that I can't help but be happy along with her, and knowing something about her character's arc in the

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus The scene everybody in the subthread is talking about.  Ep 5.22.


My understanding is that with Ru specifically, she's gone on record as saying that she doesn't care which pronouns you want to use, and isn't offended if people mix them up. This is not typical for drag queens, though.

In fairness, we only got like one line out of Princess, which for all we know could have been the very, very bitchiest thing she'd said to anybody all week. And the show was pretty much the same deal — only three episodes.

I'd actually been hoping that the big twist at the end of the season would be that Ru was declaring a tie and letting Chad and Sharon both win.

The orange doesn't fall far from the tree.

Alaska Thunderbonk!

'Cause if they abbreviated mole "mole," it wouldn't be an abbreviation?

Truly, North America is a magical continent.

they lived exclusively as a function of survival intstinct, and could operate on adrenaline longer with no remorse or conscience

So it is your contention that everyone in caveman times was either a superhuman killing machine or dead? 'Cause I can think of a lot of conditions that would leave you at a disadvantage in a fight but wouldn't necessarily kill you. (e.g.: Tuberculosis, guinea worm, childhood malnutrition, borderline

The astronauts would destroy the cavemen, weapons or not. Cavemen would have been malnourished, stunted, and likely to have parasitic infections. The only advantage the cavemen would have is that they'd be, on average, younger than the astronauts, but I don't think that's enough.