
"It's not about what I want!" is my favorite Boreanaz line reading of all time.

Well, polish and wit.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus  Yeah, I understand he's been going through some stuff.

You can offer, but it needs to be cut down to three syllables or less, or it'll never catch on.

For me, the incredible part is not that Reed completely failed to understand the movie he was watching, but that the Observer ran the review anyway.

I wish I could like this comment more than once.

For some of us, the scrutiny is part of the ride.

My vote is for Kevin from "The Office."

Ruining everything for the entire world, because It's Wrong for an extremely powerful godlike being to eat a few people from time to time, is something Whedon's done before.

Up that to a 100% chance of an aneurysm and throw in an optional virgin, and you could save the world!

Me too. I realized at about the point when they were trying to escape through the tunnel that I was simultaneously rooting for the kids to escape and rooting for the tunnel to collapse so the kids would be stopped. And then was briefly very confused.

I actually waited until the end of the credits, to see, so certain was I that there'd be a "Grr. Aargh." at the end, and was disappointed.

Pickacity is in the geographical center of Maine, so all Mainers live close enough to it to see movies there.

[shrug] I'd watch it at least once.

Agreed, though I can't completely hate TGIQ because of Ilona (W&H exec).

You couldn't have Advanced D&D or Documentary Filmmaking without Pierce. Episodes like those two, though — you totally could.

(You're not bothered by the "living on nothing but toner fluid" part?)

Angel is very, very good at using costumes to signal things about the
characters, and I haven't been able to figure out what they're trying to
tell me here

Agreed. I vaguely remember hearing that they wanted ASH to do it but he was unavailable, so they went with Lenk. Which is not all that surprising.

That would be kind of awesome, actually.