

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  Ugh. Winston was the worst.

Yara Sofia, obviously, would be the wacky neighbor who lives next door. . . .

And they could do the Wonder Woman thing where they twirl around and there's an explosion and then bam!, they're in full drag. (Except not bam. It'd only be bam on the weeks that Alexis was guest-starring.)

Dear RuPaul:

A thousand times yes.

There is Buffy/Angel fan hate for every character, writer, actor, or plot point of the show. Name anything, and someone will hate it.

Unless you're Alison, I should think.

I miss Danny.

Plus it had the fire-squirrel. I have rarely laughed as hard at anything, ever, as I laughed at the fire-squirrel.

Who knows what Michelle's quest to find the "real" Chad will result in.

Phi Phi will not win. It's not literally unimaginable, but the only scenario I can come up with would be if there were, like, a boiler-room explosion in the racers' hotel and Phi Phi was the only contestant to survive. Both Sharon and Latrice have been seen alive, recently; therefore Phi Phi will not win.

I'm pretty damn tired of Michelle's Chadmnesia (C'mon, Michelle, you do too know who Chad is; say that one more time and we will have to put you in a home), but aside from that, I enjoy Michelle. She seems to be better at giving constructive criticism, and is better at explaining what works or doesn't. Not that I had

I'm not saying that they always favor the more conventional queen. Just that if the winner is chosen in advance, the decision will be made based on a first impression. (And it the sponsor has any say, it won't be good for Sharon if his first impression of her was, "She goes for shock value all the time, that's a

I liked "drunk-faced," myself.

Well, and also when this was first airing, we'd just found out that the show only had three more episodes to go, and there were still a whole bunch of dangling plotlines, so spending one of the precious last three eps on a light-hearted romp that was motivated by a character who never actually appeared and whose

It's a little puzzling that Jiggly would find Phi Phi the most convincing. I suppose when you're actually in the competition, your perspective on how well everybody else is doing is a bit skewed, but personally? If Chad and Latrice both told me to do funny, I'd by god be trying to do funny.

I know! That's the only down side of the All-Star thing — nobody to root against. (Well, Raven or Manila maybe, though they made some great outfits. But I could never hope for Pandora, Jujubee, Nina, Jessica Wild, or Yara to lose: it was bad enough having to watch it happen the first time.)

Also Latrice is just kind of objectively awesome sometimes.

Sharon's other comment (in Untucked): "Is it [Kenya's letter] legible?" kinda tickled me too.