
“Hey mom, remember that time when as soon as your mental capacity started showing the slightest signs of diminishing, I threw your ass in the cheapest nursing home available?

That’s my mom! “Remember that time you woke me up every hour when I worked nights and had to sleep during the day!!” No mom, I really don’t but also I was 6 so I don’t know what you expected. Every story she has about me comes around to me being an annoying child. Sorry lady, you raised me.

The Obamas weren’t invited to Will and Kate’s so why would Trump be invited to this one?

No. It’s code for “When dad left and had a second family we didn’t completely reject them. Even though they’re black! Where’s our medal??”

I hope they send Melania and Donnie a save-the-date card, but never send an invitation.

We made it so that she had two houses

You’re asking someone who uses the word “libtard” unironically to “think.”

Samantha’s invite will be in the same mailbag as Melania and DJT’s.

To be fair, “it’s the family that I suppose she’s never had” is a pretty aggressive snub. I suspect that Prince Harry actually does know her.  

The vibe I get from Meghan’s sister is that Meghan was the scapegoat child in an abusive, narc family and now that she’s gone no contact and is successful without them, they’re desperately trying to regain control of the narrative.

The only thing that one does in a corner is touch himself.

Smart people got the joke.

You know, I expected this article to have a strong mra-flavored troll patrol going on. I *didn’t* expect them to pile on just one commenter like they’ve done to you.

It’s obviously a joke because it’s an exact recasting of comments made about women.

I thought it was funny <3

“my wife never wants to fuck me and she’s also not a good cook hahahaha!!!1!1!!” -George St. George

I feel like people on this site used to be better at getting jokes.

In this case, the guy wasn’t trying to be part of a showcase. He was trying to get a ticket to be in the audience...for a show he otherwise wouldn’t have been interested in if it wasnt advertised as “no boys allowed”. I’m a guy and I have no problem with such a show. Most guys wouldn’t even give it a thought. I bet

It’s not that men are banned, it’s just hard finding men who are good enough for the showcase. At the end of the day, men just aren’t that funny.