
I liked Chrissy’s tweet about how the boarding pass scanner is apparently just a beedoop machine that goes beedoop.

That was actually ad libbed. Will was actually really upset because he was going through some similar issues with his real life father.

She’s a desperate women who only feels complete when she has a man. And her smuggness when she does is off.the.charts. obnoxious. She could cool it in the clink for a bit.

Some of us just say “period sex”.

I cannot feel sorry for her.

I’m not a fan of Smith. But his acting on The Fresh Prince was as good as any, on any sitcom of that era. But it was EXCELLENT in one particular episode: when his father comes to visit, and talks him into going out on the road with him, and at the last minute takes off without saying goodbye or even giving an

Where’s Salem tho

Ambrose is in the comic, if that’s who her cousin is in the show.

It is a wonderful casting call! I was struck by the open ethnicity(!) and the utter lack of words regarding Sabrina’s body, looks, or degree of sex appeal(!)- just asking that she needs to be legal to work and look 16 which is reasonable... It’s just so unexpected.

Sounds like my kind of trash, tbh. I’m in.

Actions not fit for CW, only Netflix.

Matt Damon had no idea how to grieve for his dead father, but luckily he has daughters and thus was able to figure it out.

Eh, our early and TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY EARNEST efforts are usually embarrassing, Will. Cut yourself some slack! You were, what, nineteen? At least your work ethic was in place!

I know it’s not the point but Britney is looking fierce. Those abs are ah-mazing

Fun story about James Avery:

While I’m pretty ambivalent about using the threat of a government shutdown as leverage to get votes held on bills the minority party wants, I do think now was the right moment to do it if the Democrats ever wanted to attempt it. With so many public employees having time off for the holidays anyway, job furloughs

Well, they could bring it back - with the two Aunt Vivs now a lesbian couple both called Vivian. And Will Smith calls both of them Aunt Viv, and the dialogue is scripted with a wink to the audience in a way that you can never tell which of the two Vivs used to be married to Uncle Phil, or is the biological children of

Hey, she’d be better than Trump...

The internet is a weird and crazy place.

Now playing

The first season wasn’t very good to be honest. Outside of Will not liking his own acting Geoffrey was too generic and was nowhere near his “I don’t give a shit” persona of later years.