
Gah, I so miss Hole. I really fucking wish Courtney was able to churn out some more great stuff. Celebrity Skin was like the pop record I needed in high school a zillion years ago....

Did you watch the trailer yet? They use “These Boots were Made for Walking,” because of course they do.

Is it Clooney’s?

Liking Ed Sheeran is basic. Hating Ed Sheeran is basic. When we are all basic, what is basic?

How many times did you have to reject Rich J.’s suggestion to include only Sam Smith songs on this list?

Half these men commenting remind me of this guy I used to be friends with who would negatively post about every remake or movie with women as the lead and couch it all in pseudo-cinematic jargon. I was like dude, you still live in your parents’ house and you work leading trivia at a dive bar, cut the shit.

chances are none of them are over the age of 19, and are just pissed that they don’t have that hot girlfriend they think the world promised them.

Seeing as how Lordmaul187 considers himself to be quite the intellectual, you’d figure his spelling, grammar, and punctuation would be better.

Die Moist

I for one welcome our new female overlords.

I’d watch the hell out of a female led “Die Hard.”

I get that the internet exists so every dipshit can broadcast their opinion, but literally what is the point of ragging on a movie that you aren’t interested in based on a 2 minute trailer. Does it fill your cold, cold heart with joy? Do you think that Sandra Bullock and her gazillion dollars gives a shit what you

I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

LOL. I keep seeing that as “Bunches & Big Wet.” Like come on people. At some point, have some self respect. How do they intro themselves: “I’m Branchez!” “I’m Big Wet!” “We’re BUNCHEZ AND BIG WET!”

I’m sorry... who?

That fucking Portugal the Man song almost killed me (literally: doing the clapping part with my daughter because she’s 6 and has horrible taste in music and that song was her favorite for a while and she loved when I would do the clapping part with her and my car has horrible alignment and nearly crashed when it

As somebody who tuned out of 80% of music in the 00s because I thought it was horrible after coming of age on the 1990s, I’ve been quite pleased with most of the 10s because there as been some good music and artists coming out of them. I realize they will never reach the amount of worship I have for the 90s because

I’m guessing that anything by the ‘Cash Me Outside’ girl was too easy of a layup to put on the list? (Will follow up with link(s) once I find something that won’t give her views.)

I am so sick of the Chainsmokers I want them to start chain smoking and prematurely die.