
Junior high? Sure. Grown-ass men? I do not frequent men’s locker rooms but my husband, who played his fair share of sports, including ice hockey (not known for its delicate players) said he has heard some real trash talk but never bragging about the stuff Trump did. But he also said any guy who waltzed in and started

It seems to be a trend. A woman who is writing a book about her childhood molestation (and trying to get paid speaker gigs on the topic) is on social media talking about why it’s hypocritical to criticize Trump for his “locker room banter” because that’s normal for men, and something something 50 Shades of Grey. I

WAIT. What about a moat filled with wine? Constantly refreshed and replenished at the source by a virgin wine spring.

Now playing

Is A Capella Science nerdcore? If it’s wrong I don’t want to be right.

Mrs. Pinkwhistle of the I-had-better-not-need-a-third-burner Burners. But a compound sounds pretty sweet right now! And a moat. And some fire-breathing dragons.

You’re very welcome. And as Ma Vaffanculo said, find a doctor who will support you. I had to go through a couple before I found one who was not all condescending and judgy about us not wanting children. It helped that my husband was on the same page and could tell them “no, seriously, we have decided against

“It’s a cult of personality, emphasis on the cult. This is the only way it works in my head, these people are no different than Jonestown or Heaven’s Gate.”

I did not tolerate the pill very well (understatement!) and switched to a copper IUD, which made my period cramps so bad I needed rx pain meds. It was awful. On top of it all I had bad reactions to spermicide. My husband and I chose not to have children so I eventually opted for a tubal ligation and it has been the

“Last year Ivana said in another statement that the story is ‘completely without merit’.”

Yes, there are women using that hashtag. And what drove me to create a burner on Jezebel was watching an exchange on Twitter yesterday in which two women who support Trump think the existence of Hillary supporters means the 19th should be repealed, because obvs there are too many women who can’t be trusted to think.