
Beckymonster? Definitely. Blonde? Maybe. Beautiful? Uh, no. This girl is average by almost every standard out there, has some major acne, and she applies makeup like Voldemort in a bottle blonde wig.

BTW if she is considered pretty, I am muthaeffin drop dead gorgeous😉

We need something catchy instead of #thoughtsandprayers, like votes and calls. Don’t send a prayer, send a letter to your congressman, and threatened to never ever vote for them again unless they pass some comprehensive gun reform. Don’t go to church, take your church to the polls, and then have them register voters,…

I would be annoyed by this too. It’s like being famous without the perks.

Watching the team free skate I understood the accusations about his ass. His ass has an ass for God’s sake.

Me: One trick Pony! clap clap clapclapclap

A lot of privelleged white men are trying to paint this issue as defending free speech (Conservatives) or opposing censorship (Liberals). What they’re trying to hide is that the controversial speakers invited to campus aren’t just saying edgy things. They are, in fact, harassers and bullies of the worst kind. Men such…

It’s not a coincidence that white guys who were big 25 years ago are whining about PC culture today. Corolla, Seinfeld, Allen, and the like had it easy back then because women and minorities were held back in the entrainment industry. They could shine by doing the bare minimum.

“Nothing kills comedy quite like people who are constantly offended,” Carolla told the New York Post.

I find the whole “we can’t joke about what’s happening in the world with people getting offended!” line so disingenuous because there are countless comedians making a living joking about what happening in the world in a thoughtful way. What they really mean is “no one find ME and MY casual bigotry funny anymore, and…

Ethereal Whiteness is a 6th Magic User spell in Dungeons and Dragons, used to summon an invisible delivery dude with more Mountain Dew. It’s right there in the Player’s Handbook.

Post Malone really, really, needs a long, long, hot bath. And then a shower. And then more bathing. Like for weeks.

Post Malone’s forehead: Christmas Lights? Barbed Wire? Bird on a Wire? Even if he has millions, what girl would hit that? I am old.

He created the Daleks.

Joseph B wrote:

He would’ve started sending her to interviews in his stead, unannounced and without explanation

Fun Fact: he’s married.

The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.

Cumberbatch is only hot as Sherlock.