
Bless your heart.

With one of the creepiest villains I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering :: shudders ::

If Person of Interest was much, much creepier. I keep getting Reddit lynch mob vibes off of it.

A rye sense of humor, I see.

This leads to a more important question though... Is coke a carb?

1. Someone at Adult Swim has been spending too much time on the SCP Foundation webpage.

2. Hot damn that was fantastic! I’m going to have to watch this another few times to catch all the other tiny things, like whatever chased the deer away.

Tom then reached his fingers into his mouth, pulling his tongue slowly out. Slowly, slowly, not stopping. He kept pulling his seemingly-endless tongue out, staring at the reporters the whole time. After he stretched it to about two feet, the last reporter left the room, clearly shaken.