mrs oh'please

I don’t like that she’s referred to as a “17 year old woman” when a 17 year old is still a child.  Super yuck.

I believe he can lie.

I would much prefer the parents of 3-13 year olds to march onto a plane wearing a sandwich board that reads “I’m aware of my responsibility to make sure my child does not kick your seat, throw food, or otherwise disturb you. Please let me know if I’m failing” 

Pelosi encompasses the modern Democratic Party. I believe they want to make lives better for the middle class but don’t want to upset the financial status quo. Which basically in the end means doing nothing.

Oh man, I did not expect to want to smash things so early in the morning, I haven’t even finished my coffee yet.

I hate the internalized hatred Black people have for our hair and all the negative words we use so regularly to describe it! We should make a concerted effort to think of it and talk to children about it in magical terms!

I think the news is conspiring to make white viewers more sympathetic to MAGAts. There’s been one story like this running in the local news where I live almost every single day since last Thursday. A Hispanic lady knocked the Klan hood MAGAt hat off of some 20-something douchebro at a restaurant and he recorded it.

If you cant love her even more.

Just go ahead and dismiss Opie. He's a useless little troll.

I agree with your analysis, but how is it possible to not benifit from white priviledge ?
acknowledging it, trying to give back, ... yes, definitely that’s the first point before confronting racism. But not benefiting at all from it ? that’s not possible. You’re still gonna be white, and will still benefit from it

Yup. I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but my first thought watching the police search was “that’s entirely too much effort to save this man’s penis.”

Im a white person, and I will listen with humility to every story you want to tell me. I grew up in the whitest of towns. I knew no black people. My schools spent no time at all talking about black history, other than the driest facts about the Civil War, and even those were from a white perspective. So any kind of pe

Yeah, now that was a constructive dialogue. If Booker had simply said your Point #3 from way above - verbatim, he would have made a huge leap forward in everyone’s estimation.

First I don’t ever think a good comment can be too long and your comments are great so...

Generally, black men approach flirtation in such a different way—such a direct, overtly more sexualized way some women just get dizzy—then blame the man.I had a great professor get fired for being Italian. that would have been my defense for him, he wasn’t harassing women—he was being an Italian man, never blatantly

Why are white people so scared to be called a racist? Racism BUILT this country When you do racist shit, own it. Liam was ALMOST there, lol. And now Gina out here caping for this idiot. Slave masters raped their slaves repeatedly. Men included.

I’m not comfortable with the fact that the statement is coming from Hickerson and not Panettiere. I understand privacy, but if they’re going to make a public statement at all, it should be from the person everyone’s worried about.

Yes!!! This needs to be repeated over and over and over. 

Racism aside, because you covered that already, does anybody else find it super aggravating the way the men close to us need to internalize our assaults and make them all about themselves? How on earth could Liam Neeson murdering someone have helped his friend? It wouldn’t have, because it was about Liam Neeson not