mrs oh'please

They’re digging for ways to blackmail, harass & ultimately silence those who can condemn them.

That security guard was automatically thinking that the white friend would be racist too. She probably shed white tears when she realized that the friend wasn’t an ally to white supremacy. Racists fear being shamed by non-racist white people who condemn them.

At the core of Republicans’ response is this primary command: Don’t admit that Trump is a racist.

Cause he feared for his life huh

Smh Trump’s still jealous about Rep. Omar getting that heroes welcome, knowing good & dang well he ain’t cared nothing about this wedding lol. This was as close to candid as he could get

Do we really want Trump to have this fake win and for Van Jones to start braying again about how revolutionary the Kardashians are? Please.

True especially when you think about how racist white men always fear their women choosing black men. 

She picked Biden because of who the racists elected in 2016. If it weren’t Trump...she wouldn’t pick Biden. She doesn’t trust the racists of America to pick a Sen. Kamala, Booker, Warren, etc. She’s hoping to get some swing voters to abandon Trump for another old white man.

I’ve always picked up on how white America tries to romanticize the evil they do & use the vise of protecting their white women as justification. Both are basically living off of fairy tale ideals so I get that tactic. Somebody has to be the knight, damsel & scary dragon to make the story work. Except when America has

I’ve always thought the same.

and for the many whose definition of racism is “someone getting lynched right in front of me,” these women spoke their language fluently.

There’s no justice for black & brown people as long as there’s a system of white supremacy.

Reporting the news should mean condemning the shit that is wrong. Unbiased news should mean not trying to stay in the good graces of advertisers, perverts & racists. It’s a ploy when a news anchor is allowed to shed a tear about a heartwarming story about a kid or a soldier...but are expected to remain stonefaced when

All Trump is doing is testing the waters to see just how much white America is willing to take from him. He already knows the poor & middle class racists will follow him to hell but he’s just wanting to see what the rich are willing to lose while they lose their facade of integrity. And one day he’s going to say

I wouldn’t have hope in it until the day I saw breaking news that...Melania has filed for divorce & Ivanka is seeking immunity and Donald Sr tripped up his 2 dummy sons trying to board a plane to Russia.

Uh uh Mr. Crockett, don’t come for my favorite villain Skeletor!

Lol Long Super Long Rant!

Why would he let go? Where’s some opposition that will stop him? This is what the Republicans have wanted all along...but they just didn’t want the public stain of embarrassment on them. So why would any racist let go of the racism that they can’t live without? They are protecting whiteness & their way of life.

Just love how the Fab Four have the power to stir the pot of old shit that is America...because they are a threat to the norm.

McCain said, calling upon other conservatives to stand up against Trump’s racist comments. “I was in DC with my husband, and I came back, like, this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.”