mrs oh'please

I’ve been there unfortunately not too often thankfully. Lord help you if you’re looking for some help tracing your family tree because they’ll make it seem like it all started with just them...even if their grandma is sitting right there. It’s a shame. I’ve never understood how some could find shame in telling their

And the ones who need to call a thing...racism won’t because they’ll have to admit they are racist & just how much they benefit from it.

What about the parents who were never taught the ugly truth? If they weren’t taught the truth you have to question the educational system who lied to them & their parents. It’s a tactic.

And this is the real reason why people voted for Trump. He wasn’t something new...he was reminding racists of how great America was when they could be racist without shame & consequence.  

Hmm so blue lives don’t matter...if the cop is black.

Yes it’s the directors & productions fault...but she’s still guilty. She’s bankable because she has the privilege of being white. The problem is that she doesn’t realize or admit that her privilege allows her to get those roles. She’s in a privileged position to create roles for herself & better yet challenge the lack

‘I think society would be more connected if we just allowed others to have their own feelings and not expect everyone to feel the way we do.’

Why people choose to celebrate the Confederacy is insane to me, and this is coming from a person who had family fight for the Confederacy in the Civil War.

Here’s my thing about the stagnation at the DNC:

Hooking up with him in the first dang place lol!

What sticks out at me is the fact that after the election is over...Pelosi & many of the other white Democrats will return to serving themselves again.

At some point, we’re going to stop grading him on the Obama curve.

Sounding like Amerikkka in 2020. People keep referencing America becoming the Handmaids Tales but it’s actually mimicking the 3rd world like countries that faketriots think they are so above. Actually there wasn’t much difference to begin with since America still blames victims for being raped. 

But are officials allowed to delete other’s tweets to their account...when it’s a form of harassment?

It’s only an apology when they mean it.

I can’t blame money for making people with a conscience do the wrong thing. It’s not’s condemning the person who’s doing wrong instead of the money. That’s like saying, “But the devil made me do it”. No he didn’ did it because you wanted to.

Why not condemn the evil before they get power? Sometimes good ole ass whoopings are effective. History tells us that sparing the ass whooping will get you a spoiled brat in your family or a corrupt politician etc later.

It’s not defending the’s saying that they had that same selfish mentality when they were poor. Money doesn’t create 2 separate individuals in one body. If you’re evil, greedy, perverted, racist etc when you are poor, you will be the same way when you become rich you’ll just have more access to weapons & victi

I remember NC-17

Sometimes the sharks play in the kiddie pools before they can reach the ocean. The wealth ain’t the problem it’s corrupted value systems that people live by. Anybody can be a shark if that what you take pride in. Even the poor will sell their souls just to look down on the next.