mrs oh'please

This right here. Maher isn’t a racist, but definitely has accepted and buys into many racist ideas. Even worse, his comfort level with black people has gone too far on many occasions — I personally think a lot of it comes from his serial dating with many black women in his past.

Sounds like somebody felt he wasn’t getting enough attention this week.

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

To be honest, it was so that our predominantly black readership, who are generally familiar with News One, knew that I was including Jewish perspectives and outlets in this piece. Both outlets use the word “Jewish” in their taglines. With that in mind, it did not occur to me that it would be offensive to identify them

You see how the other teammate didn’t make the college team though. I love karma!

Her teammates are assholes. All of them. Every single one of them complicit.

Incog-negro” is the best damn thing I have read in a long, LONG time! 

Hey. I see you are just as cynical as I am

Failing upwards while telling everyone else to eat bootstraps, is a core GOP value.

Seriously and the only reason for a strange man to kidnap a woman is to rape or rape/ kill her.

Also old. I couldn’t name a singer or song recorded in the last 15 years. Maybe 20. I’m still listening to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and CCR.

For a manicure. I hope they catch this woman and she spends the rest of her life in prison.

I think we need to stop putting all Kanye’s problems on the doorstep of the Kardashian-Jenners. I have no particular affection for them, but it seems like the choice to fuck up his meds, go off his meds, not seek treatment when he’s in a manic spiral is all on Kanye. He thinks that shit is a super power and he’s

While I am proud of her for defending herself, I cannot believe the other crew members and managers just stood there and watched her get attacked 🤨!!!! I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, and was a manager too, and there is no way my 18 year old ass would have stood for that shit, and calmly spoken to a customer tha

“Imani or faith”...Yes Indeed. And I hope this Kwanzaa project is repeated next year. I know some black folks are threatened by it, but whatever.

I greatly appreciate The Root. It makes me feel like I’m not crazy. It’s also allowed me to center my energy and intelligence around discussions that aren’t debating whether or not racism or rape or police brutality have other perspectives to consider. 2016 killed Facebook and I say good riddance.

You beat me to that reply. Seconded, whole-heartedly.

The answer is power, to do whatever you want with no repercussions, recourse or regrets. Money is the tool, sex is the expression. 

They are just doing this for their followers who buy their wack ass music. No grown men with enough money to live like they do care about IG beef.

All we need is Meek Mill’s all caps opinion and their social media teams can enjoy the New Year.

“Fuck you I got mine and now I’m taking yours”, is a core GOP value.