
oh my god

Oh my god, it could have been called WareHouse of the Dead.

Dicey? The guy’s out of a job. You ever lose a job because you said something thousands of anonymous individuals found disagreeable?

Down goes another individual for thinking something the hive doesn’t like! We did it, Internet!

Yeah, stages with non-poo related names like, “oop fo elip”, which is PILE OF POO spelled backwards. As the author of this article stated, PILE OF POO spelled backwards is totally not a reference to poo.

They flagged for Poo? I thought Nintendo was OK with a little Poo here and there...

If by “all trust has been lost” you mean “thanks Kotaku for sharing so many high-quality video game music rips!”

It’s too bad that hardcore fans are not giving this game a chance. I know it’s vastly different than what we’re expecting from a Metroid title, but developer Next Level Games doesn’t deserve to be shit on like this. They have a proven track record with awesome collaborations and revivals with Nintendo, and MP

Manly guys has been on here for years and you bitch about penny arcade? We get it, you are a true original because you hate popular things. Your patchouli scented trophy is in the mail.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

That was art.

“I just don’t see the point in featuring a comic on our website from creators who actively despise it.”
So what you’re saying is... you don’t like how they represent you, and as a result you’re not going to actively support their content?
The irony as this relates to Ubisoft and Bethesda is so thick I’m choking on it.

Gameplay or GTFO. I buy games, not cinematics.

“It’s not a game it’s a movie blah blah blah blah”

There, saved us time.

I’m furious.

About a week ago I brought in home made popcorn from my lunch into work, 9 out of the ten people in my office had never had it in anything else but the movie theater or the microwave...

What the fuck is this country turning into? First we fix the popcorn, Then... everything else.

Have you tried Dishonored? Styx is also supposed to be really good though I've yet to play it

"Microsoft partnered with Darkside Game Studios in the development of 'Phantom Dust,' but our working relationship has now ended," a Microsoft spokesperson said. "We have great respect for their studio and their work in the industry. While we do not have anything new to share on 'Phantom Dust' at this time, we can

I was maybe 50/50 on Wind Waker being my favorite Zelda over Majora's Mask, but that monologue at the end really set it in stone for me.

@romevi04: Wait, what key was it again?