
When everything is racist and sexist, nothing is. Your over use of the term are only deforming its meaning.

No, they wouldn’t. Libertarianism’s core moral tenet is that no person has a right to violate the rights of another through force or fraud. I suggest you learn what you’re talking about before you say something stupid next time. 

What are you talking about? Police officers removed him.

Sounds like you’re thinking of anarchists. Most people who call themselves libertarian simply believe in small government and minimal regulation/taxation.

That would be a false statement only believed by fools, though. Gov’ts have killed more people than private airlines ever will or could even attempt. Airlines are not the threat. Liberarians know this. Giving gov’t more power has never worked to make people safer. Also, students of history, they know this, too.

I have a feeling most libertarians wouldn’t approve of excessive force by police.

There’s no question that United handled this situation poorly, but they’re not the ones who “beat the crap out of him.” That was the police.

That’s rich. Who do you think injured this man by using excessive force?

They were Chicago PD from what I read....

They are cops. They are sworn law enforcement officers. The only difference is they are not issued firearms.

When you create a naritive on flimsy evidence such as a couple screenshots with the sole purpose of making advertisers believe they are supporting objectionable content then you are directly attacking those content providers way of making a living. The article does not report on a particular video being racist, as a

Yet the Pewdiepie article is still a thing...

Are you serious? Whatever you think about PewDiePie’s original jokes, WSJ took many of his previous quotes from older videos, and put them completely out of context in an article of thiers, only to further their claim that PewDiePie is a nazi. There are multiple videos of it, and you can check it out yourself. Again,

Are you kidding me? Am I reading this correctly? Did you just call the slime that the WSJ produces “work”? After their absurd hit-pieces? That’s a bold claim, and one that over seventeen million people seem to disagree with.

Are we talking about the same Wall Street Journal that sold the Iraq war?

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

This is the problem we have faced with Barony. We’re doing everything we can, with zero marketing budget, to introduce people to our game. Kotaku hasn’t mentioned it a single time despite multiple attempts — And I understand. There’s lots of games out there. But it can make or break a game - a game people might

Just rubbing it won’t help; but a lubricant may ease the entry into the anals of science history.