
So a police authority beats the crap out of a civilian, who has no right to protect himself, and libertarians are the ones that should wake up?
No, a libertarian solution would be for United to up their ante until somebody volunteered to take the money and leave the flight. Beating somebody into submission is a

I don’t even know what to say about this. I really don’t think you’re helping, Kotaku and Patricia. When clearly the WSJ has much broader influence than somebody like Ethan, you come out of this acting like WSJ is blameless. The establishment deserves to be criticized more harshly because it has more power than the

Hey if you like games with voxel art, how about I shamelessly self-promote this game?:
I did the art and while most voxel games go for a minimalist style, I really tried to nail classic pixel-art techniques using voxels.

Was thinking the same thing, but that is Doom 2 Level 1. Don’t know what weird version he’s using.

I’m not using any sort of hack or tool outside the game.

This is the problem we have faced with Barony. We’re doing everything we can, with zero marketing budget, to introduce people to our game. Kotaku hasn’t mentioned it a single time despite multiple attempts — And I understand. There’s lots of games out there. But it can make or break a game - a game people might

If people are looking for a better-rated co-op Roguelike, I’d ask you to look at Barony: Cursed Edition:
It’s not as pretty as Necropolis, but its solid 85% Overall rating and $10 pricetag make it a good alternative. There’s more than 1 character class, more item variety, and in

Want to plug my simple mod: Protector Spells

Both of those PA comics can be true at the same time. Showing them both together does not demonstrate author hypocrisy.

“I just don’t see the point in featuring a comic on our website from creators who actively despise it.”
So what you’re saying is... you don’t like how they represent you, and as a result you’re not going to actively support their content?
The irony as this relates to Ubisoft and Bethesda is so thick I’m choking on it.

Gameplay or GTFO. I buy games, not cinematics.

I can testify that Styx is very enjoyable. It’s the first stealth game that made me feel OK about just murdering everyone. There’s no “non-lethal takedown,” there’s just cruel and brutal murder.

I would buy this if it allowed me to also play Wii games with the Gamecube controller (the games that supported it already).

For my wife who never played with 3D on when using my 3DS, the 2DS is perfect. She has a purse and womens' clothes are often stingy on pockets anyway. One could argue that if you don't like the 3D feature of the 3DS, the 2DS is great for anyone who has more than their pockets to hold things. You don't hold your

Yeah, agreed. Though to be fair, PAR is a direct response to Kotaku's style of reporting, so I'm sure that didn't win them any points. Still though, it would be nice if journalism was journalism and wasn't so easily weaponized.

On the other, it could easily be seen as marginalising these groups, creating what I've already seen be called a "zoo".

I wish this guy would stop getting front page. We get it. There's a guy pretending to be an angry video game nerd. People that care can subscribe to his channel.