
Yes truly I am a massive talent, honed through the oppression I’ve experienced as a middle class white woman. I accept this honor not for me, but for all the pumpkin spice lattes and yoga pants that bravely sacrificed themselves for my cause.

you should be in best american poetry 2015

lmao going to start publishing under the first name Ainsley

A pretender at being Chinese,

Why do people keep using their music without permission? You would think that after the first time someone got sued for it they would cut it out.
It’s actually pretty uncool to use ANYONE’S artistic property without their permission, regardless of whether they’re going to sue you for it or not.

This is the best title of any Jez post, ever.

And his boner’s been dead for six years.

The best way to end these movies would be to Shyamalan-twist them and reveal that Grey was the murderer from The Fall all along.

Jamie Dorman silently dressing himself in the mirror has some serious serial killer vibes a la his performance in the Fall. This is not sexy. It is scary. Also maybe they decided to film it before writing it because really what’s the difference? Either way, it’s going to be a badly done collection of scenes organized

Now playing

Here’s the first teaser for Fifty Shades Darker. How are they already filming this movie? Aren’t they still writing

You mention Korra - I actually met someone like that here on io9 but for Agents of Shield. I was just saying how I think that maybe the show is going toward a guy having feelings for another guy. Well, I got a guy who created an account just to tell me that he not against gay...wait for it...buuut he does not see why

Seriously. I nominate and vote independent of what the internet says so I'm only minimally aware of these folks. But in poking around about them, I'm automatically annoyed by anyone who regularly and seriously refers to/blames things on "social justice warriors." It utterly de-legitimizes an argument as coming from

I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,